Monday, June 18, 2012

Elle's Journey to Fit Chick

Meet Elle'! I first ran across her on youtube, she is one my favorite hair guru's. Her down to earth personality, and simple approach to hair care keep me coming back for more. Now I've been inspired( once again) through her weight loss journey, She lost 45 lbs!! She is a mother, business woman, a motivator, and now a FIT CHICK!  Check out her story, in her own words.
My deciding factor for my weight loss was the snap shots I took in December, 2010 (the before picture).  Looking back ,I did not recognize the person in the photo. That was the kick start to my journey.
I eat a  clean diet, which is NO processed foods. I frequents the gym 5 times a week, and lift weights working different muscle groups during the week. I've had set back's along the way-- you're always going to hit a wall or two, the best thing to do is to step back and Re-evaluate the situation. 9 times outta ten it's something small.

This journey has changed the way I looks at food, and my confidence. Before I lived to eat and now I eat to live !!! I no longer crave Taco Bell, or other fast foods. I rather cook a healthy version of a taco salad where I have control of the ingredients and I know exactly what I'm putting into my body.As for confidence I feel better, lighter on my toes,and shopping is more enjoyable.

I have a great support system my family, and all her loyal fan's from youtube and facebook. All the My advice to the FIT CHICKS: "Do it for you" I failed so many diets through the years, but back then it was not for me . It was for worldly things, like a class reunion , a concert, a two small dress, the holidays, etc. But once I went on a journey for inner peace and a healthier lifestyle I truly succeeded and broke down those barriers that keep me Fat !

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