I was slim as a teen but heavy throughout my 20’s and early 30’s due to very poor eating habits since childhood. I never.ever.exercised in my entire life with the exception of the moderate outdoor play that was forced upon me when I was a kid. I recall spending almost all of my time as a tween and teenager in the house watching television and basically avoiding the great outdoors. I didn’t like to walk anywhere and I definitely didn’t enjoy any sort of physical activity. As a teen and adult I ate very little fruit and vegetables and my daily diet consisted of pre-packaged foods, take-out, Pepsi and endless coffees with cream and sugar – there were always numerous day stretches where I didn’t even drink a single glass of water. I never ate breakfast and always ate very late into the evening, sometimes even waking in the middle of the night to snack. I ate chocolate, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes with no moderation whatsoever and very rarely thought about what I ate as a consequence. I overate when I was bored, stressed, sad and ESPECIALLY when I was tired which was obviously all the time given the lifestyle I was leading.
My weight went up and down over the years but pretty well always ended up higher than the year before. It’s funny but throughout all that I never hated my body or my looks. I knew I was overweight but I didn’t truly appreciate HOW overweight I had become. I made one or two attempts in my 20’s and 30’s to exercise or diet but always felt like a very deprived fish out of water and therefore always quit after a few months in order to revert to my comfortable old habits.
Fast-forward to 2011 - I’m a 35 year old wife of 13 years and mother to two young children ages 6 and 9, with a full-time career running operations for a national program, a four bedroom house and a live-in elderly parent. I was fully cognisant of how unhealthy I was but really felt powerless to do anything about it. The year itself was very challenging. My elderly mother-in-law, who suffers from cognitive impairment, moved in to our home and at the same time my husband and I were tearfully forced to say goodbye to his brother who diet a year after being diagnosed with Stage 3 stomach cancer. It was a very stressful and sad summer for our family.
Throughout the same year, my best friend had begun an important journey of her own and had been steadily losing weight for numerous months. Inspired by her undeniably awesome results and the fact that I had lost two friends and family member to cancer in the past two years, on October 15, 2011, I made an important decision to join a medically supervised (and incredibly expensive) weight-loss program here in Canada - a ketogenic diet. At that time I weighed 223 pounds, the highest I had weighed since having my two children, the first in 2002 and the second in 2006. I wore size 16 – 18.
After five months (March 2012) I had lost 60 pounds on this plan. Although I felt so proud to go from a size 16 to a size 10, at the same time I realized that I also felt incredibly unhealthy. The diet was a very NON sustainable 950 calories a day with no fat, sugar or carbohydrates. I was pale and gaunt – I felt jittery, exhausted and absolutely gross. After speaking to my husband, I decided that it was time for me to stop the medically supervised program several months earlier than planned.
I explained my husband that I felt highly confident that I could maintain my newly lost weight because I had just finished reading two amazing books that empowered me to begin making healthy lifestyle choices – “The Eat-Clean Diet” and “The Eat-Clean Diet for Family and Kids” by Tosca Reno. My husband immediately agreed that, despite the money we had paid, I should discontinue the program if I felt even the least bit unhealthy.
In terms of how I first heard about the Eat-Clean Diet, I had seen Tosca’s name mentioned several times in my favourite Facebook fitness group, Fit Chicks. Many people had mentioned the terminology “Eat-Clean” and recommended Tosca’s books and the magazine, “Oxygen”. Intrigued by what I had read, I bought the books and let me tell you, I have never once looked back.
Immediately I began clearing my pantry of white flour and rice as well as all forms of sugar. I bought succanat, stevia, coconut oil, almond flour, quinoa, steel cut oatmeal, chia seeds, flax and many many other items that have become staples in my happy Eat-Clean life. I bought a cooler and began diligently packing my day’s meals and eating every 2-3 hours. My husband also began eating six small meals a day and focusing on his own nutrition. He has been a rock for me throughout my journey – a supportive, loving and caring man who loves me unconditionally. I am very blessed.
At the same time, I took Tosca’s advice and began seriously reconsidering trading my long cardio sessions for free weights. I hired a trainer and he designed a program for me that focused on upper body one day and lower body the next. It surely didn’t take long for me to overcome my shyness at the gym after I discovered how much I love to lift weights, it feels so powerful and invigorating. I feel like I am a master of my own body when I lift – it is border line impossible to adequately describe the high of taking a weights workout and absolutely killing it! I embrace my DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) like a gift from God. (laugh!!!)
Diligently following the program I immediately lost another 10 pounds by April, 2012. Since then, I have slowly lost a little more weight, month for month trading my fat for muscle and my body has been changing before my very eyes. My arms, shoulders, back and legs are starting to show real definition, my stomach fat is starting to recede, revealing small indentations on the sides of my abs. I am absolutely stoked to see how they will look a year from now! My husband (we are high school sweethearts!) has also begun lifting and we are both constantly discussing our fitness goals and our work-outs. We developed an excellent post-workout shake that we love and lots of Eat-Clean meals that have become our favourites (We have been loving all things pumpkin lately!) The lifestyle makes us so happy and energized and now instead of connecting over unhealthy food we choose to connect through fitness and a Clean Eating lifestyle. Our children now accompany me to our local YMCA four times a week to play sports like soccer, hockey and basketball as well as take swim classes while I sweat it out in the gym. As added motivation, we have also chosen to base their allowance around their physical activity.
Today I weigh a healthy 147 pounds (77 pounds lost), wear a size 6 and my goal is to continue eating clean, focusing my energy on strength training and losing more body fat over the coming year. I have started running and completed my first 5K in late September and already have my sights set on a 10K in April, 2013. Stay tuned, my friends, because this Mama still has lots of goals, including an intention to be featured in Oxygen one day!
A blog showcasing phenomenal women who took charge or their lives, health and happiness, and became Fit Chicks.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Anita's Journey to Fit Chick
In 2006 I weighed over 250 pounds. I had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My diabetes was out of control. I was tired all the time. I was depressed. I didn’t exercise and my diet was full of too much fat, carbohydrates and calories. I was 43 years old and I was killing myself.
I used all the excuses in the world not to exercise. I was too tired. I didn’t have time. I couldn’t exercise in the morning. I couldn’t exercise in the evening. I didn’t want to exercise by myself and the best one, I was too overweight. Actually, I was afraid to exercise for fear of passing out or having a heart attack because I was so overweight.
Diabetes runs in my family. My paternal grandmother had it and so did my father. I saw my father die too soon because of this disease, so I knew I had to start taking control and change what I was doing to myself.
In the fall of 2006, when my daughter started back to school, she entered the 9th grade academy. The school was right beside the health department where I was working. She wanted to be at school at 7:30 a.m. and since I didn’t have to be at work until 8:00 a.m., I would drop her off at school and walk around the parking lot. I started off slow walking about 15 or 20 minutes at first. Over time, I gradually increased the length of time and distance of my walking.
I also changed my eating habits. I began to eat less fat, carbohydrates and overall calories and in addition, I started eating several, smaller meals a day. A little later, I sought the care of a diabetes specialist who got me on the right combination of medicines to get my diabetes under control.
Today, I am happy to report that I have lost over 100 pounds! My A1C (test for blood glucose) is in the normal range. My blood pressure is great and my cholesterol and triglycerides are in the normal range without medication!
During the week, I walk over seven miles each day and four miles on each weekend day. Typically, I walk for an hour in the morning before I get ready for work, and then walk an hour and twenty minutes after work. I love walking! Walking is what “I do” now. I walk in the rain, snow, hail, wind, cold and heat. I very, very rarely miss a day. I am passionate about trying to stay as healthy and fit as I can and I think my family and co- workers are proud of my commitment.
Everything I have done and continue to do can be done by anyone. You just have to get started, be committed to doing it and sticking with it. I hope my story can inspire someone to take control of their health. It takes work and time but it is well worth it!
I used all the excuses in the world not to exercise. I was too tired. I didn’t have time. I couldn’t exercise in the morning. I couldn’t exercise in the evening. I didn’t want to exercise by myself and the best one, I was too overweight. Actually, I was afraid to exercise for fear of passing out or having a heart attack because I was so overweight.
Diabetes runs in my family. My paternal grandmother had it and so did my father. I saw my father die too soon because of this disease, so I knew I had to start taking control and change what I was doing to myself.
In the fall of 2006, when my daughter started back to school, she entered the 9th grade academy. The school was right beside the health department where I was working. She wanted to be at school at 7:30 a.m. and since I didn’t have to be at work until 8:00 a.m., I would drop her off at school and walk around the parking lot. I started off slow walking about 15 or 20 minutes at first. Over time, I gradually increased the length of time and distance of my walking.
I also changed my eating habits. I began to eat less fat, carbohydrates and overall calories and in addition, I started eating several, smaller meals a day. A little later, I sought the care of a diabetes specialist who got me on the right combination of medicines to get my diabetes under control.
Today, I am happy to report that I have lost over 100 pounds! My A1C (test for blood glucose) is in the normal range. My blood pressure is great and my cholesterol and triglycerides are in the normal range without medication!
During the week, I walk over seven miles each day and four miles on each weekend day. Typically, I walk for an hour in the morning before I get ready for work, and then walk an hour and twenty minutes after work. I love walking! Walking is what “I do” now. I walk in the rain, snow, hail, wind, cold and heat. I very, very rarely miss a day. I am passionate about trying to stay as healthy and fit as I can and I think my family and co- workers are proud of my commitment.
Everything I have done and continue to do can be done by anyone. You just have to get started, be committed to doing it and sticking with it. I hope my story can inspire someone to take control of their health. It takes work and time but it is well worth it!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Ruth's Journey

People say that alot of cardio makes you "skinny fat"? Well I was ok with that. I was hoping some of the benefits of my training would be minimal weight loss (about 10 lbs). I'm 5'9 and 147 lbs. I was feeling discouraged because the scale didn't move one pound! Also, my pants fit tighter right now then before. There were no visible results from all of the work I was doing. I completed my triathlon (1 mile swim, 26 mile bike, 10K run) and did MUCH better then I was expecting. I wasn't even sore the next day! Additionally this weekend I summited Longs Peak (14,225 ft. 5,100 climb from the trail head, 14 mile hike). I felt better at the end then I have ever felt after hikes.

Whats the point of my post? After both my tri and my hike I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment and felt a feeling of pride towards my body. I just felt like "wow! my body can do that. That really is amazing!" This thought is so rare because my thoughts toward my body are almost ALWAYS negative, skeptical, and judgmental. My epiphany was this: My hard work DOES PAY OFF. Even if it isn't visibly obvious to me or others. I AM becoming healthier and more in shape by exercising and eating well. My body is strong and impressive in others ways then JUST how it looks.
I hope that some of you who are judgmental of your body like me can take from this that your hard work IS WORTH IT and looks are only skin deep.
P.S. I have started a strength training program to continue striving toward excellence in my fitness and appearance
I hope that some of you who are judgmental of your body like me can take from this that your hard work IS WORTH IT and looks are only skin deep.
P.S. I have started a strength training program to continue striving toward excellence in my fitness and appearance
Monday, September 10, 2012
Esther's Journey to Fit Chick
"I ain't where I want to be but thank GOD I ain't where I used to be!!"
I am 40 years old today and although almost 2 years ago I vowed to be 140lbs at 40 and I am NOWHERE, near that weight, and probably never will be. But I have come to terms with that and realized that the number on scale means nothing, but how I look, feel and carry myself means everything. I've had problems with my weight for as long as I can remember, and with 5 siblings who were always relatively fit' I always felt out of place, loved, but out of place. Over the years, slowing metabolisms and life caught up with my siblings too and in February of 2011, we all embarked on an 8 week fitness challenge. We all put in $100 to join and over the course of the challenge decided to have a cheat pot. If we slacked off one day or ate something we shouldn't $5 was added to the pot. By the end of the 8 weeks, 3 siblings had dropped out and took there $100 with them. But there was still $430 up for grabs. I being the competitor that I am, came out the winner and lost the most weight (21.8lbs).
By July 2011 I was back at my starting weight, and by January 2012 I had surpassed it. A series of events had got me to that point, but then I realized "there's ALWAYS going to be a series of events, there always have been!" But HOW I handled them was what was going to be the secret to my success. I knew that I was not a big eater, I didn't sit around and gorge all day, so I needed to look at what I was eating and WHY I chose to eat what I ate. Once I realized I was an emotional eater and what my triggers were, I could stop myself before a bought a chocolate bar. I am a single mom of FOUR kids so I knew I had to get healthy for me, but also for them. I was worried about not being here for them, but more than anything teaching them my bad eating habits and causing them the same struggles I have dealt with.
So March 26th, 2012, I woke up and decided today everything changes. I hit the gym everyday, sometimes twice a day, but more importantly I ate better. A recurring hip injury slowed me down, then it was summer and with 4 kids, the summer did not belong to me. I think I made it to about 3 5am workouts all summer, but staying busy with them all summer maintained the weight I had lost. So as of last Tuesday, I'm back at it. And embracing my 40th with grace and dignity. I am not dwelling on the things of the past, but enjoying my present and focusing on my future.
*Did you like Esthers story? Like and share it. If you have a story to share and would like to be featured on this blog email me at fitchicks01@gmail.com*
I am 40 years old today and although almost 2 years ago I vowed to be 140lbs at 40 and I am NOWHERE, near that weight, and probably never will be. But I have come to terms with that and realized that the number on scale means nothing, but how I look, feel and carry myself means everything. I've had problems with my weight for as long as I can remember, and with 5 siblings who were always relatively fit' I always felt out of place, loved, but out of place. Over the years, slowing metabolisms and life caught up with my siblings too and in February of 2011, we all embarked on an 8 week fitness challenge. We all put in $100 to join and over the course of the challenge decided to have a cheat pot. If we slacked off one day or ate something we shouldn't $5 was added to the pot. By the end of the 8 weeks, 3 siblings had dropped out and took there $100 with them. But there was still $430 up for grabs. I being the competitor that I am, came out the winner and lost the most weight (21.8lbs).
By July 2011 I was back at my starting weight, and by January 2012 I had surpassed it. A series of events had got me to that point, but then I realized "there's ALWAYS going to be a series of events, there always have been!" But HOW I handled them was what was going to be the secret to my success. I knew that I was not a big eater, I didn't sit around and gorge all day, so I needed to look at what I was eating and WHY I chose to eat what I ate. Once I realized I was an emotional eater and what my triggers were, I could stop myself before a bought a chocolate bar. I am a single mom of FOUR kids so I knew I had to get healthy for me, but also for them. I was worried about not being here for them, but more than anything teaching them my bad eating habits and causing them the same struggles I have dealt with.
So March 26th, 2012, I woke up and decided today everything changes. I hit the gym everyday, sometimes twice a day, but more importantly I ate better. A recurring hip injury slowed me down, then it was summer and with 4 kids, the summer did not belong to me. I think I made it to about 3 5am workouts all summer, but staying busy with them all summer maintained the weight I had lost. So as of last Tuesday, I'm back at it. And embracing my 40th with grace and dignity. I am not dwelling on the things of the past, but enjoying my present and focusing on my future.
*Did you like Esthers story? Like and share it. If you have a story to share and would like to be featured on this blog email me at fitchicks01@gmail.com*
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Bridgit's Journey to Fit Chick.
I have not had to deal with weight issues throughout my entire life like some of you have, but I have still dealt with my own issues because of weight. I have dealt with confidence issues, and depression from it. I know what it's like to let your emotions get the best of you, and turn to food for comfort. I also know what it's like to not be truly happy with what you see in the mirror, regardless of how often you hear how beautiful someone else thinks you are. But, within the last year, I know what it's like to take control of food, rather than let it control me.
I am a mother of two precious boys. During my 1st pregnancy, I gained 55lbs, putting me at 205lbs. From the time I delivered our first, until I got pregnant with our second, I lost 25lbs, bringing my weight to 180lbs. I really didn't lose much weight, and really didn't try hard to. It wasn't until my second pregnancy that I decided I needed to do things differently. I gained 29lbs,and my weight when I delivered was 209lbs. I was determined to get the baby weight off, for good. I joined the Weight Watcher PP program, in May 2011, 3 weeks after delivering our second son. I wanted to not only be a healthier mother, so that I was better able to keep up with my children, but just a healthier woman in general. To me, being healthy=being wealthy.
Im sharing my story, to not only be an inspiration, but to also seek inspiration from others who are on the same journey. I am not a trainer, or nutritionist. I am simply someone who is on a journey to not only better myself, but my health. I am not only in this for me, but for my children and my husband, and for you. I am a firm believer that if you don't give 100% to yourself, you can't expect to be able to give it you anyone, or anything else.
*Did you like Bridgit's Story? Like and share it!*
Friday, August 31, 2012
Aly Butler's Journey
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Me and my son Kyndel |
For most of my adult life I have been an athlete. I started off at an early age taking Karate and dance classes. By the time I got to high-school I decided I would try out for the track team. I did very well at track and it wasn’t until my sophomore year that I realized I needed to change my body a bit to help me win the shorter races. With the help of my coach I lost ten pounds and my speed tremendously improved. Although this was my first attempt at losing weight, it wasn’t something I was unfamiliar with, as close family members had struggled with weight for as long as I could remember. I competed in track & field through high-school and into college. After graduating college I settled into the routine of adulthood . . . work, work, and more work, with very little “me”. By 2006 I had topped the scales at a 176lbs. To some of you reading this, 176 may not seem like much, but coming from a smaller athletic physique that my sport allowed me to maintain fairly easily, up to this weight, was quite a jolt for me.
I had been working as a Fashion Designer sitting at a desk all day everyday sketching and creating. Loving my job, but hating what I looked like. I was unhappy and when I left work I had no energy so I ate and went to bed. Late in 2006 I picked up my first copy of Oxygen Magazine, a fitness magazine I now live by and strive to grace the pages of one day. It was the Special Edition, “Fat Loss” with Jennifer Nicole Lee on the cover. The picture of her before and after was amazing! I couldn’t believe this woman who had given birth to two children was able to look so incredible! I thought to myself, “what is your problem? you haven’t even had kids.” That’s when I got motivated. I joined a gym and a boot camp class the next day. After about a month at the gym and in boot camp a trainer who had become a friend started to talk to me about competing in fitness competitions. I was still looking in the mirror at all of the “problem” areas, though I had lost about 10lbs of fat and gained some additional muscle. He encouraged me to learn more about the competitions and see if I’d like to give it a try. I had already been gobbling up every oxygen magazine I could get my hands on, and if they had published 5 a month, I would have purchased all 5 monthly as well. I had seen some of the competitors in oxygen magazine and learned that Jennifer Nicole Lee, my initial inspiration, actually won Ms. Bikini Universe. After gaining that knowledge, in my mind, it was a done deal. I was ready to get serious and give it a go. I was also dating someone at the time who trained figure and fitness models and when I told him I wanted to compete his response was, “You’ll never be able to do it.” I think this is definitely part of my personality and I know now that he knew this about me, but if you tell me “I can’t” do something, then I’m more likely going to do it, and do it better than anyone expected.
Over the following 4 months I ate a very strict competition diet that consisted mostly of chicken, green beans, and brown rice. I followed a very strict 2-a day workout regimen and before I knew it I had gotten down to my smallest adult size and weight. I was a size 4 and competed at 142lbs. I didn’t place well in my first competition, something like 23rd out of 130, which to some that’s decent, but for me it wasn’t what I had set my sights on. I wanted to win! I continued to compete the rest of that year before deciding to take a break. Eventually, I quit my day job and got certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and began my own personal training business. Over the course of 2 years I had changed my body, changed my career, and met my husband.
When my husband and I met, I was a personal trainer in great shape but not planning on competing. I was ready to start a family, so we got married quickly and soon thereafter I was pregnant. Although I continued to workout while I was pregnant and I ate healthy, I still managed to go from 155lbs to 223lbs by delivery day.
I was an absolute marshmallow. My family and I laugh now because I’m just not a good pregnant person. I was miserable and uncomfortable the entire time. I was swollen and puffy for the latter half of the pregnancy. Even my OBG made a comment about my water retention near the end. The last thing I could think about was trying to lose this weight once he was here because my husband and I had been going through major difficulties in our marriage that required Christian counseling. I simply was not in a good place. Nevertheless, my little bundle of joy arrived on March 10th, 2010.
After Kyndel was born the condition of my marriage continued to decline. I had gotten a desk job Fashion designing again when I was pregnant because my husbands business was failing. During that time he became emotionally and verbally abusive and progressively got worse, which ultimately led to my divorce. Because of my stress level of being a new mom, working full-time and supporting my family, and dealing with an abusive spouse, I was unable to lose much weight. I had gotten back down to 176 by the time my son was 6 months old but I was still very “fluffy” and not liking anything about my body. As a matter of fact, I had sort of resolved to the fact that I would NEVER look like a fitness model again. I would tell myself, “well, you’ll never have a flat tummy because you had a baby.” There is a whole list of negative self talk I could post, but I won’t because it’s not who I am today.
In late April of 2012 I ran into my old friend, Jerome Givens (owner of Jerome’s Gym in Richardson, Texas). This is how God works. My divorce was in the court system and still pending and I had praying diligently for help with my body and my overall health and fitness. Then God brought Jerome to my path unexpectedly. We talked briefly and he told to come work out at his gym. That was the beginning of my 2nd journey to fitness model physique as I call it.
I signed up for Jerome’s boot camp and one on one training twice a day 6 days a week. I would work out on my lunch hour and then go to boot camp in the evenings and was even able to incorporate my 2 year old into the boot camp workouts so that I wasn’t losing time with him completely. I listened to everything Jerome told me to do, and did it, even if I thought I couldn’t. The times I didn’t believe in myself, he believed in me, and told me so. So I would stop and say a prayer for God to help me to get through the workout that he was leading Jerome to help me with. Every time I prayed I could do anything Jerome asked me to do at least once.
For 17 weeks, with the help of God and my amazing trainer Jerome, I worked out harder than I have ever worked out in my life. I sweat more than I ever have, I cried, and I laughed and then I made it to the competition stage once again. On 8/17/2012 I competed in the bikini division at the Europa Supershow. As I stood backstage I began to realize my physique wasn’t quite soft enough for the division, but I was having a blast anyway. I rocked the stage proudly and thanked my trainer and God for giving me the strength to transform my body again.
Although I didn’t place, I tell people I still won. I won my self-confidence back. I won amazing friendships with new women at the gym. I won a body I’m proud of. I won healing for my soul and I won a deeper relationship with God through this process.
If I could do it again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m setting a new goal to compete in a crossfit competition and continue to compete in the bodybuilding arena as well. My ultimate goal is to inspire others to achieve their fitness goals with the help of Christ. If you believe, and you ask for his help, you can achieve anything that’s in his will. It is in his will to heal your soul. My soul desperately needed healing and this external transformation changed so much more internally than anyone could ever imagine
I had been working as a Fashion Designer sitting at a desk all day everyday sketching and creating. Loving my job, but hating what I looked like. I was unhappy and when I left work I had no energy so I ate and went to bed. Late in 2006 I picked up my first copy of Oxygen Magazine, a fitness magazine I now live by and strive to grace the pages of one day. It was the Special Edition, “Fat Loss” with Jennifer Nicole Lee on the cover. The picture of her before and after was amazing! I couldn’t believe this woman who had given birth to two children was able to look so incredible! I thought to myself, “what is your problem? you haven’t even had kids.” That’s when I got motivated. I joined a gym and a boot camp class the next day. After about a month at the gym and in boot camp a trainer who had become a friend started to talk to me about competing in fitness competitions. I was still looking in the mirror at all of the “problem” areas, though I had lost about 10lbs of fat and gained some additional muscle. He encouraged me to learn more about the competitions and see if I’d like to give it a try. I had already been gobbling up every oxygen magazine I could get my hands on, and if they had published 5 a month, I would have purchased all 5 monthly as well. I had seen some of the competitors in oxygen magazine and learned that Jennifer Nicole Lee, my initial inspiration, actually won Ms. Bikini Universe. After gaining that knowledge, in my mind, it was a done deal. I was ready to get serious and give it a go. I was also dating someone at the time who trained figure and fitness models and when I told him I wanted to compete his response was, “You’ll never be able to do it.” I think this is definitely part of my personality and I know now that he knew this about me, but if you tell me “I can’t” do something, then I’m more likely going to do it, and do it better than anyone expected.
Over the following 4 months I ate a very strict competition diet that consisted mostly of chicken, green beans, and brown rice. I followed a very strict 2-a day workout regimen and before I knew it I had gotten down to my smallest adult size and weight. I was a size 4 and competed at 142lbs. I didn’t place well in my first competition, something like 23rd out of 130, which to some that’s decent, but for me it wasn’t what I had set my sights on. I wanted to win! I continued to compete the rest of that year before deciding to take a break. Eventually, I quit my day job and got certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and began my own personal training business. Over the course of 2 years I had changed my body, changed my career, and met my husband.
When my husband and I met, I was a personal trainer in great shape but not planning on competing. I was ready to start a family, so we got married quickly and soon thereafter I was pregnant. Although I continued to workout while I was pregnant and I ate healthy, I still managed to go from 155lbs to 223lbs by delivery day.
I was an absolute marshmallow. My family and I laugh now because I’m just not a good pregnant person. I was miserable and uncomfortable the entire time. I was swollen and puffy for the latter half of the pregnancy. Even my OBG made a comment about my water retention near the end. The last thing I could think about was trying to lose this weight once he was here because my husband and I had been going through major difficulties in our marriage that required Christian counseling. I simply was not in a good place. Nevertheless, my little bundle of joy arrived on March 10th, 2010.
After Kyndel was born the condition of my marriage continued to decline. I had gotten a desk job Fashion designing again when I was pregnant because my husbands business was failing. During that time he became emotionally and verbally abusive and progressively got worse, which ultimately led to my divorce. Because of my stress level of being a new mom, working full-time and supporting my family, and dealing with an abusive spouse, I was unable to lose much weight. I had gotten back down to 176 by the time my son was 6 months old but I was still very “fluffy” and not liking anything about my body. As a matter of fact, I had sort of resolved to the fact that I would NEVER look like a fitness model again. I would tell myself, “well, you’ll never have a flat tummy because you had a baby.” There is a whole list of negative self talk I could post, but I won’t because it’s not who I am today.
In late April of 2012 I ran into my old friend, Jerome Givens (owner of Jerome’s Gym in Richardson, Texas). This is how God works. My divorce was in the court system and still pending and I had praying diligently for help with my body and my overall health and fitness. Then God brought Jerome to my path unexpectedly. We talked briefly and he told to come work out at his gym. That was the beginning of my 2nd journey to fitness model physique as I call it.
I signed up for Jerome’s boot camp and one on one training twice a day 6 days a week. I would work out on my lunch hour and then go to boot camp in the evenings and was even able to incorporate my 2 year old into the boot camp workouts so that I wasn’t losing time with him completely. I listened to everything Jerome told me to do, and did it, even if I thought I couldn’t. The times I didn’t believe in myself, he believed in me, and told me so. So I would stop and say a prayer for God to help me to get through the workout that he was leading Jerome to help me with. Every time I prayed I could do anything Jerome asked me to do at least once.

Although I didn’t place, I tell people I still won. I won my self-confidence back. I won amazing friendships with new women at the gym. I won a body I’m proud of. I won healing for my soul and I won a deeper relationship with God through this process.
If I could do it again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m setting a new goal to compete in a crossfit competition and continue to compete in the bodybuilding arena as well. My ultimate goal is to inspire others to achieve their fitness goals with the help of Christ. If you believe, and you ask for his help, you can achieve anything that’s in his will. It is in his will to heal your soul. My soul desperately needed healing and this external transformation changed so much more internally than anyone could ever imagine
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Melissa Kuroda's Journey To Fit Chick
I cant remember a time in my life that I wasn't overweight. From kindergarten all the way through senior year I was "chubby". Turning 18, moving away from my parents and "finding myself" meant going out with friends, binge drinking and eating greasy food at 2am followed by getting a few hours of sleep to get through the next day. I found myself always feeling "snacky" rather than hungry so I grassed through my days - filling open time with food. I was also always sluggish, tired, and unmotivated to work out.
My Moment
Three weeks after the birth of my child I realized that I had no clothes that fit...and that I was so big I wasn't able to shop outside of the plus section. All of my favorite stores were out of reach and I had to do the walk of shame into Torrid and Lane Bryant at age 24.
I wanted to set the right example for my son. I didn't want him to go thru life with the mommy who was "big" or "fat" or any of those hateful words people use. I first came to terms with some underlying demons - sought medical help for depression and anxiety and pushed myself slowly out of my comfort zone. I utilized YouTube and fitness blogs (livestrong, bodybuilding.com, and lisamarie bodyrock) to get started-and a rocky start it was.
My Workout and Diet
I start every day off with yoga - it helps me set my head straight. I get to work 45 minutes early and walk around the city with my morning protein, take the 11 flights of stairs to the office and any time that I can pull away I keep moving. When I get home I spend at least an hour performing active play with my toddler (he loves to dance so we usually blast the music in the living room and work up a sweat to whatever is on the radio), eat dinner, get him ready for bed and then unleash my workout fury with Lisa Marie and her body-rock challenges for a warm up, I then move onto weights or my heavy bag for about 15 minutes and end with a solid 20-25minutes on my elliptical.
I do my best to take in at-least 160 grams of protein a day so generally 3 shakes a day + lean clean food. note: I am human, I break down every once in a while - but I have noticed that as long as I stay active my weight generally stays the same
Lessons learned on my Journey
My insecurities would (and still) get the best of me at times when I can not perform a rep the way an instructor does and I have to modify it to my strength level. I would feel embarrassed or inadequate at times to the point of wanting to shut down and quit. It took a motivational statement from a close friend to set my head straight...she told me "you do not have to be the best or finish first at everything - at the end of the day its the not quitting and giving it your all that makes you a winner". I tell myself this every time I get discouraged and it makes me push through.
At the end of the day I am the only person reporting to myself. I have to live with myself for the rest of my life and I want to be happy with not only the person I am but the person I am becoming. Even now I still have many insecurities; my body is not perfect...but I now know I have the ability to focus that negative energy on something positive and make the change rather than wallowing in sorrow about it.
My Advice to You
You're going to hit a million plateaus, some for a few days, some for a few months - don't let them discourage you or hold you back from your goal. I went from being 5'10 280lbs in a size 20 at my heaviest to 154lbs and a size 4. I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been and I want everyone to feel the joy that I have in my heart right now. You are the only one who can hold yourself back from achieving greatness - never let anyone tell you that you cant...not even yourself
*Did you like Melissa's story? Like and Share it!*
My Moment
Three weeks after the birth of my child I realized that I had no clothes that fit...and that I was so big I wasn't able to shop outside of the plus section. All of my favorite stores were out of reach and I had to do the walk of shame into Torrid and Lane Bryant at age 24.
I wanted to set the right example for my son. I didn't want him to go thru life with the mommy who was "big" or "fat" or any of those hateful words people use. I first came to terms with some underlying demons - sought medical help for depression and anxiety and pushed myself slowly out of my comfort zone. I utilized YouTube and fitness blogs (livestrong, bodybuilding.com, and lisamarie bodyrock) to get started-and a rocky start it was.
My Workout and Diet
I start every day off with yoga - it helps me set my head straight. I get to work 45 minutes early and walk around the city with my morning protein, take the 11 flights of stairs to the office and any time that I can pull away I keep moving. When I get home I spend at least an hour performing active play with my toddler (he loves to dance so we usually blast the music in the living room and work up a sweat to whatever is on the radio), eat dinner, get him ready for bed and then unleash my workout fury with Lisa Marie and her body-rock challenges for a warm up, I then move onto weights or my heavy bag for about 15 minutes and end with a solid 20-25minutes on my elliptical.
I do my best to take in at-least 160 grams of protein a day so generally 3 shakes a day + lean clean food. note: I am human, I break down every once in a while - but I have noticed that as long as I stay active my weight generally stays the same
Lessons learned on my Journey
My insecurities would (and still) get the best of me at times when I can not perform a rep the way an instructor does and I have to modify it to my strength level. I would feel embarrassed or inadequate at times to the point of wanting to shut down and quit. It took a motivational statement from a close friend to set my head straight...she told me "you do not have to be the best or finish first at everything - at the end of the day its the not quitting and giving it your all that makes you a winner". I tell myself this every time I get discouraged and it makes me push through.

My Advice to You
You're going to hit a million plateaus, some for a few days, some for a few months - don't let them discourage you or hold you back from your goal. I went from being 5'10 280lbs in a size 20 at my heaviest to 154lbs and a size 4. I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been and I want everyone to feel the joy that I have in my heart right now. You are the only one who can hold yourself back from achieving greatness - never let anyone tell you that you cant...not even yourself
*Did you like Melissa's story? Like and Share it!*
Friday, August 10, 2012
How To Stay Motivated (for those who have lost motivation)
The truth? That spark you feel in the beginning of your weight loss journey- It goes away after awhile. At first it's so easy to get started because of the initial rush of excitement and inspiration. Then after a month or so we seem to lose steam, we lose interest, and our motivation and determination to stay on track goes away.
Most of our goals are HUGE . This journey to fit chick is like climbing a mountain. Climbing a mountain is a slow and arduous task. When you go for the climb you go in knowing that there will be bumps along the way, so you bring tools to aid you in reaching the summit. When you set off on your journey to fit chick you must be prepared to encounter steep climbs and mudslides. There will be pit stops, and there will be moments when you feel like you can't do it. Guess what ? It's normal! We all get discouraged. and that little light- that determination to conquer our personal mountain will dim or even go out completely over time. Knowing this will better equip you from staying down too long when you fall off course.
Now that you know that what your experiencing is normal, the next most important and difficult step is to get started. Getting off your butt and dusting yourself off after a set back isn't as easy as it seems. If you are anything like me starting is always the hardest part of anything. I can be a horrible procrastinator about the simplest things, making myself miserable about tasks small and large, often for more time than it would take to actually do the tasks. (Isn’t it funny how you can be miserable about something without even doing any work on it?) Once I finally start, I realize how ridiculous it was to have waited so long. I have become quite proficient at getting out of those slumps we get in every once in awhile. On this post I will discuss 10 ways to get and keep you motivated!
1. Set small goals.
Mountains are moved one stone at a time. Make small attainable goals. Be sure to keep them realistic for your body and life situation. It's easier to implement a lifestyle change if you take it one step at a time. Write down this goal in a notebook, once you've met that goal, make another. Look at the list often, it will be sure to motivate you to keep going.
2. Make it fun.
Choose activities/exercises you enjoy! Take a class at your local fitness center, or get a running/walking group together. Whatever you do make sure you get pleasure from it. If you honestly enjoy doing something- it's more likely that you'll stick with it.
3. Look at pictures You often don't realize how far you've come until you look at your before pictures. Remember your successes and let them flow through your mind instead of your failures. Nothing motivates me more than looking at pictures of myself when I was overweight. I always think: " NEVER AGAIN"
4. Clothes. This is a tip my personal trainer gave me at the beginning of my fit chick journey. She told me to go into the mall and buy an outfit or jeans that I loved, but to make sure they were a size too small. She told me to hang them in my closet and look at it often. Going into my closet and seeing those jeans hanging there kept my motivation going and today I rock those jeans with so much pride! You can also Buy some nice gym gear to bribe yourself with. Purchase a few key pieces in bright colors or cool styles that you'll feel good wearing. Since the gym/working out is the only place you can wear these goodies, you have a new reason to go.
5. How it makes you feel Even though most people view exercise as punishment, fit chicks know it's actually a reward. Think about how you feel after you're done. Isn't it the most amazing feeling? The high you get after is better than any drug you can take. Your confidence is off the charts, and your determination to do more is stronger than ever! Remember that feeling when you feel like you don't want to workout- let that motivate you.
6. Focus on your health beyond the gym It's a total downer and very demotivating to bust your butt at the gym, and not see results. It could be because your eating habits and sleeping/resting habits do not compliment your workout. Good health and fitness are the result of paying attention to all needs physical and mental. Be sure to keep your motivation going by nourishing your body with clean natural goodness and getting the proper rest.
7. Find a Workout Partner Help a friend get into shape by making him or her your workout partner. Go to the gym and compete with each other to push yourselves further. When you feel like quitting, your workout partner will be there to push you. A gym buddy will also act as an accountability partner. If you skip a gym session without good reason, you’ll not only have to answer to your own guilty concsience, but also your friend. Transforming your body is not an easy task and having friends to help you along the way will go a long way to keep you exercising.
8. Read success stories There are thousands of weight loss success stories out there.
Find success stories from people who were in a similar situation to you and get inspiration from their struggle. These people are regular people like me and you. . They all experienced struggles throughout their journey. Remember, if these people could do it, despite problems at work, home or issues with emotional eating – you can definetly do it too!
9. Change your routine Doing the same routine over and over again, is very demotivating, and BORING! Be sure to keep your routines fresh, I suggest changing them out every 4 weeks. "After a certain period of doing the same workouts over and over again, your body will adapt to the routine and hit a plateau. Try to avoid this by basically throwing your body off-balance and keeping it from getting used to a certain routine. Mix in low-intensity days with high-intensity ones. Look online or around the gym for new exercises to try." -AskMen.com
10. Reward yourself. Everytime you workout put a dollar in jar- at the end of the month use what you saved for a new shirt, manicure/ pedicure , shoes, or some type of fitness equipment. The rewards should be something you'll really appreciate, and preferably a non-food reward.
It can be tough to keep up an exercise routine, but it’s not impossible. A little willpower can go a long way. Next time you need some motivation to keep up your workouts, practice those 10 tips. They can inspire you to hit the gym, push through moments of doubt, and help you get the body you’ve always wanted.
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Most of our goals are HUGE . This journey to fit chick is like climbing a mountain. Climbing a mountain is a slow and arduous task. When you go for the climb you go in knowing that there will be bumps along the way, so you bring tools to aid you in reaching the summit. When you set off on your journey to fit chick you must be prepared to encounter steep climbs and mudslides. There will be pit stops, and there will be moments when you feel like you can't do it. Guess what ? It's normal! We all get discouraged. and that little light- that determination to conquer our personal mountain will dim or even go out completely over time. Knowing this will better equip you from staying down too long when you fall off course.
Now that you know that what your experiencing is normal, the next most important and difficult step is to get started. Getting off your butt and dusting yourself off after a set back isn't as easy as it seems. If you are anything like me starting is always the hardest part of anything. I can be a horrible procrastinator about the simplest things, making myself miserable about tasks small and large, often for more time than it would take to actually do the tasks. (Isn’t it funny how you can be miserable about something without even doing any work on it?) Once I finally start, I realize how ridiculous it was to have waited so long. I have become quite proficient at getting out of those slumps we get in every once in awhile. On this post I will discuss 10 ways to get and keep you motivated!
1. Set small goals.
Mountains are moved one stone at a time. Make small attainable goals. Be sure to keep them realistic for your body and life situation. It's easier to implement a lifestyle change if you take it one step at a time. Write down this goal in a notebook, once you've met that goal, make another. Look at the list often, it will be sure to motivate you to keep going.
2. Make it fun.
Choose activities/exercises you enjoy! Take a class at your local fitness center, or get a running/walking group together. Whatever you do make sure you get pleasure from it. If you honestly enjoy doing something- it's more likely that you'll stick with it.
3. Look at pictures You often don't realize how far you've come until you look at your before pictures. Remember your successes and let them flow through your mind instead of your failures. Nothing motivates me more than looking at pictures of myself when I was overweight. I always think: " NEVER AGAIN"
4. Clothes. This is a tip my personal trainer gave me at the beginning of my fit chick journey. She told me to go into the mall and buy an outfit or jeans that I loved, but to make sure they were a size too small. She told me to hang them in my closet and look at it often. Going into my closet and seeing those jeans hanging there kept my motivation going and today I rock those jeans with so much pride! You can also Buy some nice gym gear to bribe yourself with. Purchase a few key pieces in bright colors or cool styles that you'll feel good wearing. Since the gym/working out is the only place you can wear these goodies, you have a new reason to go.
5. How it makes you feel Even though most people view exercise as punishment, fit chicks know it's actually a reward. Think about how you feel after you're done. Isn't it the most amazing feeling? The high you get after is better than any drug you can take. Your confidence is off the charts, and your determination to do more is stronger than ever! Remember that feeling when you feel like you don't want to workout- let that motivate you.
6. Focus on your health beyond the gym It's a total downer and very demotivating to bust your butt at the gym, and not see results. It could be because your eating habits and sleeping/resting habits do not compliment your workout. Good health and fitness are the result of paying attention to all needs physical and mental. Be sure to keep your motivation going by nourishing your body with clean natural goodness and getting the proper rest.
7. Find a Workout Partner Help a friend get into shape by making him or her your workout partner. Go to the gym and compete with each other to push yourselves further. When you feel like quitting, your workout partner will be there to push you. A gym buddy will also act as an accountability partner. If you skip a gym session without good reason, you’ll not only have to answer to your own guilty concsience, but also your friend. Transforming your body is not an easy task and having friends to help you along the way will go a long way to keep you exercising.
8. Read success stories There are thousands of weight loss success stories out there.
Find success stories from people who were in a similar situation to you and get inspiration from their struggle. These people are regular people like me and you. . They all experienced struggles throughout their journey. Remember, if these people could do it, despite problems at work, home or issues with emotional eating – you can definetly do it too!
9. Change your routine Doing the same routine over and over again, is very demotivating, and BORING! Be sure to keep your routines fresh, I suggest changing them out every 4 weeks. "After a certain period of doing the same workouts over and over again, your body will adapt to the routine and hit a plateau. Try to avoid this by basically throwing your body off-balance and keeping it from getting used to a certain routine. Mix in low-intensity days with high-intensity ones. Look online or around the gym for new exercises to try." -AskMen.com
10. Reward yourself. Everytime you workout put a dollar in jar- at the end of the month use what you saved for a new shirt, manicure/ pedicure , shoes, or some type of fitness equipment. The rewards should be something you'll really appreciate, and preferably a non-food reward.
It can be tough to keep up an exercise routine, but it’s not impossible. A little willpower can go a long way. Next time you need some motivation to keep up your workouts, practice those 10 tips. They can inspire you to hit the gym, push through moments of doubt, and help you get the body you’ve always wanted.
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Thursday, August 9, 2012
Candi's Journey to Fit Chick
I’m 26 years old and I
come from a family who enjoys our food and fun times and I’ve always struggled
with my weight. Around 180 pounds and jeans 10/12 was my average size in high
school. I met the love of my life at 15, we got married when I was 20 and we’re
happily married now 6 years later. We have a 3 year old and an 8 month old,
both beautiful little girls. They are the reason I’ve made the decision to get
Here’s my weight loss story to date; after getting married I slowly let my weight creep higher and higher. I then gained 35 pounds during my first pregnancy. Afterward I lost some of the weight but not nearly all. In 2011 I got pregnant again and let myself get to my highest weight ever, I was 269 pounds the week I delivered.
At that most miserable weight EVER I decided I had to make a change. There was no way I wanted to try to keep up with a toddler and a newborn and feel as terrible as I did. I had to make a change! In November 2011 I had our daughter and it was a quick, natural delivery (didn’t have time for my epidural). After that I gave myself the full 6 weeks to recover and continue wearing maternity clothes. But I made a promise to myself that when the 6 weeks were up regular clothes were going on my body! So I started changing my diet to incorporate healthier eating.
In Dec, once the dr gave the ok, the maternity clothes went away and fitness started. I could only wear two pairs of regular pants that I owned (size 18/20) to they were rotated daily until I started shedding inch for inch and pound for pound and getting back into pre- pregnancy clothes. On January 1, 2012 I had worked myself down to 245 pounds and got measured. I also took a tip from my sister in law who is a beach body coach and joined MyFitnessPal with her. I absolutely love the site and have logged in everyday consecutively on my phone and computer since joining!

I started getting up between 4:30-5:30 almost every day to do TurboFire videos or walked and I logged every bite/drink that went in my mouth and maintained a 12-1600 calorie diet depending on how much exercise I had each day. I made it a point to drink no less than 8 ounces of water every day. I set small goals for each month to not focus on the more than 100 pounds I wanted to lose and every 2 weeks I measured my body again. Of course I would have days where I’d mess up and skip my exercise or go over my calorie limit. But the difference this time was the next day I started fresh and didn’t let it ruin my journey.
As of today, I am proud to say that I’m down to 182 pounds. Just counting from Jan 1 of this year I’ve shed 63 pounds and 86 ¾ inches! Since my highest weight ever in November 2011 I’ve shed 87 pounds (only 7 of which were baby!). It can be done!
My ultimate goal is to be 140 pounds and have a
‘healthy’ BMI. As I said, I’ve never been small. But I can fit into the
smallest jeans I own from high school this week so it’s onto unfamiliar
territory now. I want to weigh less and be healthier than I’ve ever been! I
think with the wonderful people around me, my MFP pals and my determination /new
healthy lifestyle I will get there! But I just wanted to share and say don’t
think that you can’t lose your weight and get your body back with a healthy diet
and exercise! It just takes will power, patience, and if you’re like me some
helpful tools to get there!!
*Did you like Candi's Story? Like and Share it!*
Here’s my weight loss story to date; after getting married I slowly let my weight creep higher and higher. I then gained 35 pounds during my first pregnancy. Afterward I lost some of the weight but not nearly all. In 2011 I got pregnant again and let myself get to my highest weight ever, I was 269 pounds the week I delivered.
At that most miserable weight EVER I decided I had to make a change. There was no way I wanted to try to keep up with a toddler and a newborn and feel as terrible as I did. I had to make a change! In November 2011 I had our daughter and it was a quick, natural delivery (didn’t have time for my epidural). After that I gave myself the full 6 weeks to recover and continue wearing maternity clothes. But I made a promise to myself that when the 6 weeks were up regular clothes were going on my body! So I started changing my diet to incorporate healthier eating.
In Dec, once the dr gave the ok, the maternity clothes went away and fitness started. I could only wear two pairs of regular pants that I owned (size 18/20) to they were rotated daily until I started shedding inch for inch and pound for pound and getting back into pre- pregnancy clothes. On January 1, 2012 I had worked myself down to 245 pounds and got measured. I also took a tip from my sister in law who is a beach body coach and joined MyFitnessPal with her. I absolutely love the site and have logged in everyday consecutively on my phone and computer since joining!

I started getting up between 4:30-5:30 almost every day to do TurboFire videos or walked and I logged every bite/drink that went in my mouth and maintained a 12-1600 calorie diet depending on how much exercise I had each day. I made it a point to drink no less than 8 ounces of water every day. I set small goals for each month to not focus on the more than 100 pounds I wanted to lose and every 2 weeks I measured my body again. Of course I would have days where I’d mess up and skip my exercise or go over my calorie limit. But the difference this time was the next day I started fresh and didn’t let it ruin my journey.
As of today, I am proud to say that I’m down to 182 pounds. Just counting from Jan 1 of this year I’ve shed 63 pounds and 86 ¾ inches! Since my highest weight ever in November 2011 I’ve shed 87 pounds (only 7 of which were baby!). It can be done!
Hopefully by or before Dec 31 of this year I
will be able to post my final picture of me at my ultimate goal 140 with a smile
on my face.
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Thursday, August 2, 2012
Krystle Weaver's Journey to Fit Chick
I started out weighing 180 I always felt very uncomfortable and self conscious. I grew up with not so amazing parents they were alcoholics and they fought all the time. I didn't have anyone to confide in and often ate my feelings, needless to say I started to have a weight problem.
My first relationship was a very unhealthy one. For 6 years, I was with a boy who was abusive physically but mostly mentally. He would grab my stomach and tell me I was fat a needed to loose weight. I would starve myself for a few days then I would go back to eating my emotions again.
I always felt uncomfortable and self conscious but he made it worse. He broke it off about 2 years ago and begged for me back for months afterwards. I couldn't go back that was one of the best decisions I ever made cause I met my future husband. He is the most wonderful and sweetest man I've ever known. The best part: he loved me for who I was.
We got married on 9/10/11. After I saw my wedding photos I decided things needed to change, I wasn't happy with myself and I was finally ready.; It took me awhile to get there mentally, but I was finally ready! Once I was mentally prepared to embark on this journey I recruited the help of my good friend Bree Rice( I'm so fortunate to have her) who was successful at losing weight and maintaining it. She was a huge inspiration for me. I thought if she did it, so could I !
I started in February I cut out soda only drank water (which was hard because I got a lot of headaches) I started a journal, I wrote down everything I are. I allowed myself 1200 calories. I bought Jillian Michaels dvds and did them faithfully for about 2 months. I stopped doing them at the end of may and have been loosing weight by being more active at work and counting calories and writing down what i eat (I work 47 hours EVERY week) I still eat a lot of the same foods but i eat a lot less of it I try to make sure I get a lot of fruits and veggies and have at least 2 glasses of milk a day. I could not have done it without my husband he has been a HUGE support system for me always complementing me telling me I'm beautiful, and buying me new clothes. Words cannot express how grateful I am to him, he played a huge role in my success.
I'm so happy that I lost weight I feel SOOOO much better and I'm SOOO incredibly happy! I love my life and myself again. I thank Fit Chicks so much for the page, it really keeps me motivated and I love hearing all the story's of success! I'm super excited to be able to add my story too!

*Did you like Krystle's story? Like and share it!*
My first relationship was a very unhealthy one. For 6 years, I was with a boy who was abusive physically but mostly mentally. He would grab my stomach and tell me I was fat a needed to loose weight. I would starve myself for a few days then I would go back to eating my emotions again.
I always felt uncomfortable and self conscious but he made it worse. He broke it off about 2 years ago and begged for me back for months afterwards. I couldn't go back that was one of the best decisions I ever made cause I met my future husband. He is the most wonderful and sweetest man I've ever known. The best part: he loved me for who I was.
We got married on 9/10/11. After I saw my wedding photos I decided things needed to change, I wasn't happy with myself and I was finally ready.; It took me awhile to get there mentally, but I was finally ready! Once I was mentally prepared to embark on this journey I recruited the help of my good friend Bree Rice( I'm so fortunate to have her) who was successful at losing weight and maintaining it. She was a huge inspiration for me. I thought if she did it, so could I !
I started in February I cut out soda only drank water (which was hard because I got a lot of headaches) I started a journal, I wrote down everything I are. I allowed myself 1200 calories. I bought Jillian Michaels dvds and did them faithfully for about 2 months. I stopped doing them at the end of may and have been loosing weight by being more active at work and counting calories and writing down what i eat (I work 47 hours EVERY week) I still eat a lot of the same foods but i eat a lot less of it I try to make sure I get a lot of fruits and veggies and have at least 2 glasses of milk a day. I could not have done it without my husband he has been a HUGE support system for me always complementing me telling me I'm beautiful, and buying me new clothes. Words cannot express how grateful I am to him, he played a huge role in my success.
I'm so happy that I lost weight I feel SOOOO much better and I'm SOOO incredibly happy! I love my life and myself again. I thank Fit Chicks so much for the page, it really keeps me motivated and I love hearing all the story's of success! I'm super excited to be able to add my story too!

*Did you like Krystle's story? Like and share it!*
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Amandita's Journey
I was an aid worker for the better part of ten years, I worked with orphans, refugees and abused women and children. I lived in Costa Rica, Chile, Panama, Jamaica and for about four years in Mexico. I worked with indigenous refugees in Guatemala and with people with Hansen’s Disease (also known as "Leprosy") in Ecuador. I was a first responder during Hurricane Katrina (I arrived down to NOLA before the Red Cross did & even planned a wedding between two beautiful evacuees from The 9th Ward of New Orleans. The wedding was held in our Coliseum). I am very blessed to have followed my heart to distant villages and lands. I was taught how to shine in the face of adversity by some of the most spiritually-wealthy & courageous souls on the planet. While in Mexico, I ran an orpahange for little girls ages 6-14 and taught Spanish classes to children who speak Mayan in the villages.
I also have been an athlete all my life. I was on a summer swim & tennis team from the ages of 5-17 and was the Captain of my Varsity Field Hockey, Basketball and Lacrosse teams in high school. I played club/intramural sports in college & was in a running club. I am trained in leading camping trips & teaching people how to white water raft and rock climb.

" The memories of my time spent with such incredible people has kept the fuel burning in my soul long after my accident."
"My Glory days"
Unforeseen circumstances
My story after this point is very bizarre and the only way I have been able to understand it, is that God must have a very big plan in mind for me. Even though I usually tell people that I was in "one accident" because it involves less details, is less confusing and emotionally less-taxing to discuss. I was actually in two different accidents in a 6-week period. On the day of the 1st accident, I came home to the NYC area from Mexico for Christmas of 2008. I was setting up a new shelter which was scheduled to open on March 1, 2009. I remember waiting until night-time to go to the gym, but feeling like I should just stay home. I pushed that idea out of my head, got into my car and headed for the gym.
I was at a complete stop on a main street, waiting to turn into the gym's parking lot. There was a woman exiting the parking lot in a large Suburban and taking up both the exit and entrance. So I motioned to her that she could pull out first. She waited and was looking past me. I looked into my rear view mirror & saw a car, pretty far back, in my lane. But, since no one was in the lane next to me, I just assumed he would switch lanes & this woman could exit. I waited for what seemed like a really long time & looked back up at the woman in the SUV, as if to say, "Yo lady, are you gonna go or what??" I just remember seeing a look of complete horror on her face. She had a few children in the car and I saw little faces in the windows looking at me, and they too were looking at me in sheer terror. I looked into my rear view mirror, almost right at the point of impact. I saw a man with his face lit up from his cellphone, looking down at his phone, with one hand on the wheel and no idea that he was about to drill right into me. Luckily, I somehow thought quickly enough to cut my wheel to right and step on the gas as I was struck. This shot my car off at a different angle and I avoided getting crushed into the SUV. Even though it wouldn't have been my fault, had any of those children been injured, I would never have forgiven myself.
Needless to say, I was struck from behind by a man who was texting and speeding. He admitted in the deposition to looking away from the road for thirty seconds, after seeing me stopped way ahead of him. I am very fortunate to have many witnesses who all saw the same thing and were there to help me before the police and paramedics arrived. Even though I was wearing my seat belt, this man who I will just call "Dave", crushed my car from behind and, in turn, me into my steering wheel. I fractured my skull, broke my nose/sinus, suffered traumatic brain injuries, severely sprained and strained my neck and back and tore the muscles in my arms. "Dave" was quoted at the scene saying, "F this b*tch! Why is everyone so worried about this effing B*tch?? My car is effing totalled!! This is the LAST effing thing I needed to happen to me today!!" He also lied under oath in the deposition, when asked if he had ever been arrested before. Suffice to say that "Dave" has a long rap sheet.
I was bed-ridden for about five weeks after that accident. I had (and still have) daily post-traumatic migraines and had been rushed to the Emergency Room a few times in those first weeks, due to blood & cerebrospinal fluid leaking from my ears & nose. I was finally cleared to begin physical therapy and was excited to start healing, so I could head back to beloved Mexico again.
On my way into my first physical therapy session, an elderly Russian man was leaving a Cardiologist appointment in the medical building (where my PT was held). He had a heart condition and promised his doctors that his wife, who was with him, would drive them both home. Apparently, he didn't even know his own name when he left the office. Needless to say, his wife let him get behind the wheel. This man, who I will call "Alek", later told the police that he must have put his car in reverse and stepped on the GAS instead of the brake. "Alek's" car shot up towards a walkway, in reverse, to where I was walking. This happened around 3pm. It was the first nice day in a really long time, so there were a bunch of people sitting in the sunshine outside. The back of the building is also all windows. Unfortunately for them, but good for me, alot of people witnessed me get hit.
I was struck on my right side and was tossed up onto the back of the car, cracking the right side of my head on his back windshield. "Alek" told the cops in the police report that he didn't know anyone was even on his car and only slammed on the brakes because he heard people screaming. I got shot off the car and cracked my head a few times on my left side. I ended up pretty much breaking/fracturing/injuring everything from my skull to my toes. More traumatic brain injuries, pretty much tore/ripped/injured every muscle, ligament and tendon in my body. My right leg was dangerously atrophied ( from being in bedfor so many months). My doctor's told me if my leg atrophied any more, it would surely become a "peg leg"and I would need it amputated. That scary news turned my "Beast Mode" switch ON and I began doing double sessions of physical therapy the next day.
I am only 5'6 and the police said I should have gotten sucked under the car, instead of being able to lock my arms and go on top of the trunk (witnesses say I started off with my ankles/feet dragging and was able to push myself up as I was struck.) I wouldn't have survived if I went under that car. It was going at the perfect speed for this to happen. Any slower or faster and I would have gone right under. After the hit, "Alek's" wife got out of the car, peeled me off the street, started yelling at me to "stop being cry baby" and offered me twenty dollars to not call the police. Thank goodness for the incredible people who acted quickly and pushed this woman off of me. As they began calling 9-1-1, "Alek's" wife yelled to her husband in Russian & he sped away, leaving his wife behind. The witnesses held onto her & locked her in an office inside the medical building until the police arrived. "Alek" left me at the accident, but the cops caught him and he pleaded guilty.
I was in bed for about two years (if you add it all up), had many surgeries and still have more left. I do double sessions of excruciating physical therapy at least four times a week (but do some PT everyday). I'm still dealing with a plethora of medical issues I get migraines daily, and am in and out of the ER all the time. I use forearm crutches & a wheelchair to get around.
"Alek" passed away nine months after we "met". I have no anger towards this man and feel sorry for him. I know he didn't mean to hit me and had no idea where he was or what he was doing that day. I put everything into God's hands and also let go of my feelings about everything his wife did to hurt me. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO FEEL LIKE A VICTIM OR TO FOCUS ON ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HURT ME. I have recently forgiven "Dave" as well, I realize that he must live a miserable life, based on the little I know/have seen of him. I hope that someday he can feel the love, hope and light that engulfs my soul on a daily basis. I guarantee he doesn't have incredible people loving and supporting him, the way I have!! I have handed everything over to G-O-D. Ultimately, he is the only one who can judge us and I have way more trust in Heavenly Justice than our own court system
I know that I will eventually fully recover from this debacle. I consider myself extremely blessed to count on the love, prayers and support of my amazing friends and family. In the meanwhile, I have been keeping my heart and mind opened to all of the lessons that the Universe is trying to teach me right now. Inspiration is my motivation!! This way, as I recover, I can emerge a more spiritually-beautiful version of my pre-accident self.
Finding Hope When all seems hopeless
I had two back-to-back surgeries in the fall of 2009. My doctors had just informed that I would be permanently disabled & were convinced that the extreme atrophy in my body was irreversible. Having traumatic brain injuries sets people up for being severely depressed, as well. I felt riddled with guilt over not being in Mexico because the plans for the shelter fell through after I was injured. My mind was foggy and I no longer had the outlet to go for a run to clear my thoughts. Going for a relaxing car ride was also out of the question. No going out dancing with my friends, either. I felt disappointed in alot of my friends who only called when they needed advice or to complain about their own lives. I started isolating myself and fell into a deep depression. It was difficult to think clearly while being in constant pain. I felt like I couldn't really open up to anyone because no one understood what I was going through.
My body was deformed and I didn't know the face that was looking back at me in the mirror. I started questioning every decision I had made in my life that lead up to my accidents. I felt scared. Meeting new people & having them see me as someone who was "disabled" scared me, because I didn't know who the person they were seeing in front of them was. It scared me to have all of my accomplishments, my heart, my mind and my soul, completely overshadowed by my wheelchair and forearm crutches. I felt like a huge burden to everyone around me. I started contemplating suicide. But, then I realized that if I did that, then my accidents and death would define me. I am way too competitive to just give up when it's only half-time of the game. The scoreboard may have read Life: 12370948793703487340937 and Amanda: 0 but there was still time left in the game.
There had to be a reason for all of this to happen to me. I certainly hadn't come this far in life and helped others in need, to not be able to help myself in my own time of need. I knew what made me feel better: uplifting and inspiring movies & opening my heart up to people. I knew what made me feel badly: Talking to negative people & looking at pictures on Facebook of friends, and family acquaintances out having fun, swimming in the ocean, going for walks, getting married, having children. I realized that I needed to focus on what made me happy and simply avoid anything that could hurt me. I went into survival mode & thought about all the things I would do when I was better.

Staying Fit
When I was in bed-ridden for many months following my accidents, everyone was sending me cupcakes, cookies and cakes. No one sends grapes & carrots to injured folk!! I realized one day, that I may potentially turn into Gilbert Grape's Mom (haha) I also realized that a single gal can either be obese OR disabled and work with it. You can't be both. So, since the disabled part was out of my control, I decided to control what I ate. I knew that eating foods that were bad for me would further depress me, stunt my healing process & induce migraines. So I focused on eating lots of steamed veggies, grilled chicken and fruits.

"I've learned that you can knock my lights out and I still shine. Through all of the tears, heartache, pain & stress, I have found TRUE SERENITY."
Anyone going through a hard time I want you to know that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can take the love in your heart nor the light in your soul away from you. I know that somethings happen that are totally out of our control ~ people can break our hearts or our bodies ~ but ultimately WE ARE IN CONTROL of our lives. The answer lies WITHIN each one of us.
An inspired soul is IMPOSSIBLE to break. Feeling like a victim and thinking negative thoughts are true disabilities. Instead, I am focused on ENABLING myself however possible. I no longer feel as if I need to be getting around without my crutches and chair in order to be COMPLETE. This experience has overwhelmed my soul with more love and hope than ever before. I feel ENABLED every time I am able to connect with someone & brighten their day. For as cliche as it sounds, sometimes all it really takes is a smile to change the course of a person's day. My teeth weren't knocked out in either accident. I took this as a clear sign from The Universe and God to KEEP SMILING NO MATTER WHAT!! Finally, I am motivated to see what my body, bruised & healing, is capable of. Just because I am not one of the gym bunnies that runs 15 miles on the treadmill, doesn't mean that I can not be incredible in my own way. Just because I still use a wheelchair, doesn't mean that I can't eat well & be toned. And just because I have been hurt alot in the past, doesn't mean that I can't define myself by love. I refuse to let this situation change me for the worse. I refuse to be bitter. And am only getting better =)
My Legacy
I truly believe none of us will ever truly be gone, even after we pass, because we live on in the love & hope that we've showered onto the world. Instead of thinking about my death, I am focused on making the most of my life. I know that God does everything for a reason. I refuse to be a victim and PROMISE you that I will someday run, swim, dance and walk again. Maybe not today, or this year or in twenty years. But someday! I have also become involved in many organizations which give hope to people with disabilities & illnesses. I feel angels all around me, guiding me towards my purpose. I will begin giving motivational talks at schools sometime next year (when my brain is hopefully more healed) & have decided to write a book someday, as well. I want to share all of the beautiful things I have learned from my travels & my accidents. Finally, I believe that counting our blessings isn't enough. We have to share them, too!
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Sunday, July 22, 2012
Ashley B.'s Journey to Fit Chick
The picture on the left was taken four years ago. Four years ago, if you were looking at my life from the outside - everything was fine. I wasn't considered obese but I never felt quite comfortable with my body, whether it be in pants or a bikini - I had no confidence in my physical appearance. I did what alot of people do when they are looking for a quick fix: fad diets and diet pills. Eventually I figured out that it wasn't healthy, and it didn't work long term so I stopped.
My first step
I started making changes in my eating habits. Before, those fad diets and counting calories made me obsess about food and my weight so much that I would end up messing up my progress. I feel that it was just to much pressure, it overwhelmed me and became a chore. I know that it works for some people but for me I just didn't like focusing on it too much. I decided to just made healthy food choices.
I also stopped weighing myself all the time. I committed to NOT worrying the number on the scale. Instead I focused on how I felt, how much energy I had, and how my clothes fit. Life is to short to worry about petty things like a number!
Eating and Working Out
I only drink water or coffee (mostly water). Although for the most part I practice a clean eating lifestyle, I don't believe in deprivation. If I want chocolate, I eat it. The trick is moderation. The way I see it, if you don't deprive yourself of things you like, you will be less likely to binge or have those slip ups we all hate! It's okay to enjoy ourselves once in awhile.
The truth? I honestly don't have a specific workout. I do something different all the time. I feel that doing something different keeps your body from hitting a plateau. I love tagging along with my guy friends and my boyfriend trying their workouts. The basics of what I do is: running for cardio and either weight lifting or crossfit style workouts for muscle building. I never run more than 2 miles though. I like muscle so I focus more on high intensity workouts and weight training. My workouts never last longer than an hour.
My Advice to You
You have to have a support group. Groups like Fit Chicks and so many other fitness pages have helped me a great deal. Don't let your friends and family bully or pressure you to stray from your healthy diet and workout routine, stick to it, no matter what! Consistency, determination, and having a positive attitude will get you to your weight loss goal!
My Motivation
You know, I absolutely hate seeing old pictures of myself. I know that sounds horrible, but it's true. Even though I don't like looking at my old pictures, those pictures motivate me to keep my good habits. They remind me of how hard I worked to change my lifestlye. My goal has always been to just be healthy and feel good in my own skin and I feel like I've reached my goal. I'm super proud of myself and I feel like it has paid off! If I can do it- so can you! You can do anything!
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Elizabeth's Journey To Fit Chick
I was overweight my entire life. I decided after my 30th birthday and second child that I was tired of looking and feeling this way so I joined a gym, joined Weight Watchers and started working out and running. From there I went on to lose 40lbs.
After loosing that much weight, I decided to challenge myself and do my first Spring Triathlon. I guess I caught the bug cause from there I decided to a half marathon and I placed in the top 3 for my age bracket for women. I didn't stop there, I also ran Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco under 4hrs. However, just after running the marathon I became frustrated that my body fat was higher than I would have liked so I made the decision to buckle down on my nutrition.
Since my goals changed and I started getting more into weight training, I had to adjust to fit my goals. I went on to read the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. I learned some great tips that I continue to use but never followed it strictly.
My daily diet now is lots of protein, veggies, healthy fats, complex carbs and fruits! The combo of the dietary changes and commitment to lifting completely transformed my body! Shortly after, I decided to face my biggest fear of being in front of people and decided to step on stage for a Figure Competition. I placed third in the Masters Division!
The beauty of all this, is that I found a passion for fitness and nutrition! I went on to get my personal trainers certification through NASM and started up my own company; Inspire U Fitness where I train and run boot camps out of my garage. It truly has been a blessing to help other women (and men) improve their lives through healthier lifestyle changes. I continue to lead by example with my diet and exercise habits!
After loosing that much weight, I decided to challenge myself and do my first Spring Triathlon. I guess I caught the bug cause from there I decided to a half marathon and I placed in the top 3 for my age bracket for women. I didn't stop there, I also ran Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco under 4hrs. However, just after running the marathon I became frustrated that my body fat was higher than I would have liked so I made the decision to buckle down on my nutrition.
Since my goals changed and I started getting more into weight training, I had to adjust to fit my goals. I went on to read the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. I learned some great tips that I continue to use but never followed it strictly.
My daily diet now is lots of protein, veggies, healthy fats, complex carbs and fruits! The combo of the dietary changes and commitment to lifting completely transformed my body! Shortly after, I decided to face my biggest fear of being in front of people and decided to step on stage for a Figure Competition. I placed third in the Masters Division!
The beauty of all this, is that I found a passion for fitness and nutrition! I went on to get my personal trainers certification through NASM and started up my own company; Inspire U Fitness where I train and run boot camps out of my garage. It truly has been a blessing to help other women (and men) improve their lives through healthier lifestyle changes. I continue to lead by example with my diet and exercise habits!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Amelia's Journey To Fit Chick
Before deciding to get into the best shape of my life I was super depressed with very little confidence. Before I had my babies I was very fit. I was pregnant for 2 years straight and thats when I gained all of the weight!
The moment I decided to get fit and healthy was after my oldest son's first birthday. My friend had taken a pic of me sitting on my husband's lap . I was mortified when I seen how big I was. I felt as if I was this super fit person trapped in a fat suit that I couldn't get out of. So I looked in the mirror and it hit me like a ton if bricks! Being obese isn't a permanent thing! It can be fixed with healthy eating and exercise so why wasn't I doing that! That's when once I got permission from my doctor ( after having my second son) that I was able to work out I started and never stopped!
My first step
I was 279lbs so my knees and other parts of my body hurt me. So I decided to start with nutrition first. I eliminated anything processed, I cut down on sugar, only drank water and 1cup of coffee. I ate every 2-3 hours and portioned my meals making sure that what ever I was eating was fuel to my body and not junk!
I have faced many obstacles through my journey physically, mentally, emotionally. It was so draining at times but what got me through was keeping my eyes on the prize- which was my goal weight. I kept reminding myself that if I stayed consistent it would happen, but to be patient because it does not happen over night!
My meal plan -
I am truly a picky eater so I definitely had to learn to love certain foods. I started off with replacing a meal with a protein shake, eating small healthy meals every 2-3 hours to speed up my metabolism, never ate pass 7:00 pm, ate super clean meaning no processed foods and eating food that fuels my body not satisfies it temporarily like high calorie junk food!
The proudest moment
My proudest moment happened just recently I had lost 105 lbs! I started to cry happy tears. I remember at my heaviest my goal seemed so far away and so impossible but I proved to myself that with hard work, consistency, and dedication the impossible became possible.
My heaviest was 279lbs I now weigh 175. I am 5'9 and I am also a dancer so for my athletic goal weight I have about 10 lbs to go to be at 165.
My advice to you
Fit Chicks , never give up! Keep your eyes on that goal and never let go of that ! Stay consistent , know that it is not going to happen over night but with consistency it WILL happen. Also, think to yourself Why Not You! Why not be at your best at all times,Why not be the healthiest and fittest you have ever been, Why Not? Also know that there are going to be obstacles. There will definitely be days when you will slip. But thank God there's always a new day, a new start. When you get off track just get back up on the right track.
Words to my former self
If I could say anything to my former self it would be " Amelia keep your head held high. You are beautiful and you will get there. Your story is going to help and inspire so many other people to get healthy and fit so keep doing what you are doing and never stop!"
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