My first relationship was a very unhealthy one. For 6 years, I was with a boy who was abusive physically but mostly mentally. He would grab my stomach and tell me I was fat a needed to loose weight. I would starve myself for a few days then I would go back to eating my emotions again.
I always felt uncomfortable and self conscious but he made it worse. He broke it off about 2 years ago and begged for me back for months afterwards. I couldn't go back that was one of the best decisions I ever made cause I met my future husband. He is the most wonderful and sweetest man I've ever known. The best part: he loved me for who I was.
We got married on 9/10/11. After I saw my wedding photos I decided things needed to change, I wasn't happy with myself and I was finally ready.; It took me awhile to get there mentally, but I was finally ready! Once I was mentally prepared to embark on this journey I recruited the help of my good friend Bree Rice( I'm so fortunate to have her) who was successful at losing weight and maintaining it. She was a huge inspiration for me. I thought if she did it, so could I !
I started in February I cut out soda only drank water (which was hard because I got a lot of headaches) I started a journal, I wrote down everything I are. I allowed myself 1200 calories. I bought Jillian Michaels dvds and did them faithfully for about 2 months. I stopped doing them at the end of may and have been loosing weight by being more active at work and counting calories and writing down what i eat (I work 47 hours EVERY week) I still eat a lot of the same foods but i eat a lot less of it I try to make sure I get a lot of fruits and veggies and have at least 2 glasses of milk a day. I could not have done it without my husband he has been a HUGE support system for me always complementing me telling me I'm beautiful, and buying me new clothes. Words cannot express how grateful I am to him, he played a huge role in my success.
I'm so happy that I lost weight I feel SOOOO much better and I'm SOOO incredibly happy! I love my life and myself again. I thank Fit Chicks so much for the page, it really keeps me motivated and I love hearing all the story's of success! I'm super excited to be able to add my story too!

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