Friday, August 31, 2012

Aly Butler's Journey

Me and my son Kyndel
 For most of my adult life I have been an athlete. I started off at an early age taking Karate and dance classes. By the time I got to high-school I decided I would try out for the track team. I did very well at track and it wasn’t until my sophomore year that I realized I needed to change my body a bit to help me win the shorter races. With the help of my coach I lost ten pounds and my speed tremendously improved. Although this was my first attempt at losing weight, it wasn’t something I was unfamiliar with, as close family members had struggled with weight for as long as I could remember. I competed in track & field through high-school and into college. After graduating college I settled into the routine of adulthood . . . work, work, and more work, with very little “me”. By 2006 I had topped the scales at a 176lbs. To some of you reading this, 176 may not seem like much, but coming from a smaller athletic physique that my sport allowed me to maintain fairly easily, up to this weight, was quite a jolt for me.

I had been working as a Fashion Designer sitting at a desk all day everyday sketching and creating. Loving my job, but hating what I looked like. I was unhappy and when I left work I had no energy so I ate and went to bed. Late in 2006 I picked up my first copy of Oxygen Magazine, a fitness magazine I now live by and strive to grace the pages of one day. It was the Special Edition, “Fat Loss” with Jennifer Nicole Lee on the cover. The picture of her before and after was amazing! I couldn’t believe this woman who had given birth to two children was able to look so incredible! I thought to myself, “what is your problem? you haven’t even had kids.” That’s when I got motivated. I joined a gym and a boot camp class the next day. After about a month at the gym and in boot camp a trainer who had become a friend started to talk to me about competing in fitness competitions. I was still looking in the mirror at all of the “problem” areas, though I had lost about 10lbs of fat and gained some additional muscle. He encouraged me to learn more about the competitions and see if I’d like to give it a try. I had already been gobbling up every oxygen magazine I could get my hands on, and if they had published 5 a month, I would have purchased all 5 monthly as well. I had seen some of the competitors in oxygen magazine and learned that Jennifer Nicole Lee, my initial inspiration, actually won Ms. Bikini Universe. After gaining that knowledge, in my mind, it was a done deal. I was ready to get serious and give it a go. I was also dating someone at the time who trained figure and fitness models and when I told him I wanted to compete his response was, “You’ll never be able to do it.” I think this is definitely part of my personality and I know now that he knew this about me, but if you tell me “I can’t” do something, then I’m more likely going to do it, and do it better than anyone expected.

Over the following 4 months I ate a very strict competition diet that consisted mostly of chicken, green beans, and brown rice. I followed a very strict 2-a day workout regimen and before I knew it I had gotten down to my smallest adult size and weight. I was a size 4 and competed at 142lbs. I didn’t place well in my first competition, something like 23rd out of 130, which to some that’s decent, but for me it wasn’t what I had set my sights on. I wanted to win! I continued to compete the rest of that year before deciding to take a break. Eventually, I quit my day job and got certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and began my own personal training business. Over the course of 2 years I had changed my body, changed my career, and met my husband.

When my husband and I met, I was a personal trainer in great shape but not planning on competing. I was ready to start a family, so we got married quickly and soon thereafter I was pregnant. Although I continued to workout while I was pregnant and I ate healthy, I still managed to go from 155lbs to 223lbs by delivery day.

I was an absolute marshmallow. My family and I laugh now because I’m just not a good pregnant person. I was miserable and uncomfortable the entire time. I was swollen and puffy for the latter half of the pregnancy. Even my OBG made a comment about my water retention near the end. The last thing I could think about was trying to lose this weight once he was here because my husband and I had been going through major difficulties in our marriage that required Christian counseling. I simply was not in a good place. Nevertheless, my little bundle of joy arrived on March 10th, 2010.

After Kyndel was born the condition of my marriage continued to decline. I had gotten a desk job Fashion designing again when I was pregnant because my husbands business was failing. During that time he became emotionally and verbally abusive and progressively got worse, which ultimately led to my divorce. Because of my stress level of being a new mom, working full-time and supporting my family, and dealing with an abusive spouse, I was unable to lose much weight. I had gotten back down to 176 by the time my son was 6 months old but I was still very “fluffy” and not liking anything about my body. As a matter of fact, I had sort of resolved to the fact that I would NEVER look like a fitness model again. I would tell myself, “well, you’ll never have a flat tummy because you had a baby.” There is a whole list of negative self talk I could post, but I won’t because it’s not who I am today.

In late April of 2012 I ran into my old friend, Jerome Givens (owner of Jerome’s Gym in Richardson, Texas). This is how God works. My divorce was in the court system and still pending and I had praying diligently for help with my body and my overall health and fitness. Then God brought Jerome to my path unexpectedly. We talked briefly and he told to come work out at his gym. That was the beginning of my 2nd journey to fitness model physique as I call it.

I signed up for Jerome’s boot camp and one on one training twice a day 6 days a week. I would work out on my lunch hour and then go to boot camp in the evenings and was even able to incorporate my 2 year old into the boot camp workouts so that I wasn’t losing time with him completely. I listened to everything Jerome told me to do, and did it, even if I thought I couldn’t. The times I didn’t believe in myself, he believed in me, and told me so. So I would stop and say a prayer for God to help me to get through the workout that he was leading Jerome to help me with. Every time I prayed I could do anything Jerome asked me to do at least once.

For 17 weeks, with the help of God and my amazing trainer Jerome, I worked out harder than I have ever worked out in my life. I sweat more than I ever have, I cried, and I laughed and then I made it to the competition stage once again. On 8/17/2012 I competed in the bikini division at the Europa Supershow. As I stood backstage I began to realize my physique wasn’t quite soft enough for the division, but I was having a blast anyway. I rocked the stage proudly and thanked my trainer and God for giving me the strength to transform my body again.

Although I didn’t place, I tell people I still won. I won my self-confidence back. I won amazing friendships with new women at the gym. I won a body I’m proud of. I won healing for my soul and I won a deeper relationship with God through this process.

If I could do it again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m setting a new goal to compete in a crossfit competition and continue to compete in the bodybuilding arena as well. My ultimate goal is to inspire others to achieve their fitness goals with the help of Christ. If you believe, and you ask for his help, you can achieve anything that’s in his will. It is in his will to heal your soul. My soul desperately needed healing and this external transformation changed so much more internally than anyone could ever imagine

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Melissa Kuroda's Journey To Fit Chick

 I cant remember a time in my life that I wasn't overweight. From kindergarten all the way through senior year I was "chubby". Turning 18, moving away from my parents and "finding myself" meant going out with friends, binge drinking and eating greasy food at 2am followed by getting a few hours of sleep to get through the next day. I found myself always feeling "snacky" rather than hungry so I grassed through my days - filling open time with food. I was also always sluggish, tired, and unmotivated to work out.

My Moment

 Three weeks after the birth of my child I realized that I had no clothes that fit...and that I was so big I wasn't able to shop outside of the plus section. All of my favorite stores were out of reach and I had to do the walk of shame into Torrid and Lane Bryant at age 24.

I wanted to set the right example for my son. I didn't want him to go thru life with the mommy who was "big" or "fat" or any of those hateful words people use. I first came to terms with some underlying demons - sought medical help for depression and anxiety and pushed myself slowly out of my comfort zone. I utilized YouTube and fitness blogs (livestrong,, and lisamarie bodyrock) to get started-and a rocky start it was.

My Workout and Diet

 I start every day off with yoga - it helps me set my head straight. I get to work 45 minutes early and walk around the city with my morning protein, take the 11 flights of stairs to the office and any time that I can pull away I keep moving. When I get home I spend at least an hour performing active play with my toddler (he loves to dance so we usually blast the music in the living room and work up a sweat to whatever is on the radio), eat dinner, get him ready for bed and then unleash my workout fury with Lisa Marie and her body-rock challenges for a warm up, I then move onto weights or my heavy bag for about 15 minutes and end with a solid 20-25minutes on my elliptical.

 I do my best to take in at-least 160 grams of protein a day so generally 3 shakes a day + lean clean food. note: I am human, I break down every once in a while - but I have noticed that as long as I stay active my weight generally stays the same

Lessons learned on my Journey

My insecurities would (and still) get the best of me at times when I can not perform a rep the way an instructor does and I have to modify it to my strength level. I would feel embarrassed or inadequate at times to the point of wanting to shut down and quit. It took a motivational statement from a close friend to set my head straight...she told me "you do not have to be the best or finish first at everything - at the end of the day its the not quitting and giving it your all that makes you a winner". I tell myself this every time I get discouraged and it makes me push through.

 At the end of the day I am the only person reporting to myself. I have to live with myself for the rest of my life and I want to be happy with not only the person I am but the person I am becoming. Even now I still have many insecurities; my body is not perfect...but I now know I have the ability to focus that negative energy on something positive and make the change rather than wallowing in sorrow about it.

My Advice to You

You're going to hit a million plateaus, some for a few days, some for a few months - don't let them discourage you or hold you back from your goal. I went from being 5'10 280lbs in a size 20 at my heaviest to 154lbs and a size 4. I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been and I want everyone to feel the joy that I have in my heart right now. You are the only one who can hold yourself back from achieving greatness - never let anyone tell you that you cant...not even yourself

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Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Stay Motivated (for those who have lost motivation)

The truth? That spark you feel in the beginning of your weight loss journey- It goes away after awhile.  At first it's so easy to get started because of the initial rush of excitement and inspiration. Then after a month or so we seem to lose steam, we lose interest, and  our motivation and determination to stay on track goes away.

Most of our goals are HUGE .  This journey to fit chick is like climbing a mountain. Climbing a mountain is a slow and arduous task.  When you go for the climb you go in knowing that there will be bumps along the way,  so you bring tools to aid you in reaching the summit.  When you set off on your journey to fit chick you must be prepared to encounter steep climbs and mudslides.  There will be pit stops, and there will be moments when you feel like you can't do it.  Guess what ? It's normal! We all  get discouraged. and that little light- that determination to conquer our personal mountain will dim or even go out completely over time. Knowing this will better equip you from staying down too long when you fall off course. 

Now that you know that what your experiencing is normal, the next  most important and difficult  step is to get started. Getting off your butt and dusting yourself off after a set back isn't as easy as it seems. If you are anything like me  starting is always the hardest part of anything. I can be a horrible procrastinator about the simplest things, making myself miserable about tasks small and large, often for more time than it would take to actually do the tasks. (Isn’t it funny how you can be miserable about something without even doing any work on it?)  Once I finally start, I realize how ridiculous it was to have waited so long.   I have become quite proficient at getting out of those slumps we get in every once in awhile.  On this post I will discuss 10 ways to get and keep you motivated!

1. Set small goals. 
Mountains are moved one stone at a time. Make small attainable goals. Be sure to keep them realistic for your body and life situation. It's easier to implement  a lifestyle change if you take it one step at a time. Write down this goal in a notebook, once you've met that goal, make another.  Look at the list often, it will be sure to motivate you to keep going.

2. Make it fun. 
Choose activities/exercises you enjoy! Take a class at your local fitness center, or get a running/walking group together. Whatever you do make sure you get pleasure from it. If you honestly enjoy doing something- it's more likely that you'll stick with it.

3. Look at pictures  You often don't realize how far you've come until you look at your before pictures. Remember your successes and let them flow through your mind instead of your failures. Nothing motivates me more than looking at pictures of myself when I was overweight. I always think: " NEVER AGAIN"

4. Clothes.  This is a tip my personal trainer gave me at the beginning of my fit chick journey. She told me to go into the mall and buy an outfit or jeans that I loved, but to make sure they were a size too small.  She told me to hang them in my closet and look at it often.  Going into my closet and seeing those jeans hanging there kept my motivation going and today I rock those jeans with so much pride! You can also Buy some nice gym gear to bribe yourself with. Purchase a few key pieces in bright colors or cool styles that you'll feel good wearing. Since the gym/working out is the only place you can wear these goodies, you have a new reason to go.

5.  How it makes you feel   Even though most people view exercise as punishment, fit chicks know it's actually a reward.  Think about how you feel after you're done. Isn't it the most amazing feeling? The high you get after is better than any drug you can take. Your confidence is off the charts, and your determination to do more is stronger than ever! Remember that feeling when you feel like you don't want to workout- let that motivate you.

6. Focus on your health beyond the gym    It's a total downer and very demotivating to bust your butt at the gym, and not see results.  It could be because your eating habits and sleeping/resting habits do not compliment your workout.  Good health and fitness are the result of paying attention to all needs physical and mental. Be sure to keep your motivation going by nourishing your body with clean natural goodness and getting the proper rest.

7. Find a Workout Partner  Help a friend get into shape by making him or her your workout partner. Go to the gym and compete with each other to push yourselves further. When you feel like quitting, your workout partner will be there to push you. A gym buddy will also act as an accountability partner. If you skip a gym session without good reason, you’ll not only have to answer to your own guilty concsience, but also your friend. Transforming your body is not an easy task and having friends to help you along the way will go a long way to keep you exercising.

8.  Read success stories   There are thousands of weight loss success stories out there.
Find success stories from people who were in a similar situation to you and get inspiration from their struggle. These people are regular people like me and you. . They all experienced struggles throughout their journey. Remember, if these people could do it, despite problems at work, home or issues with emotional eating – you can definetly do it too!

9.  Change your routine   Doing the same routine over and over again, is very demotivating, and BORING!  Be sure to keep your routines fresh, I suggest changing them out every 4 weeks. "After a certain period of doing the same workouts over and over again, your body will adapt to the routine and hit a plateau. Try to avoid this by basically throwing your body off-balance and keeping it from getting used to a certain routine. Mix in low-intensity days with high-intensity ones. Look online or around the gym for new exercises to try."

10. Reward yourself.  Everytime you workout put a dollar in jar- at the end of the month use what you saved for a new shirt, manicure/ pedicure , shoes, or some type of fitness equipment. The rewards should be something you'll really appreciate, and preferably a non-food reward.

It can be tough to keep up an exercise routine, but it’s not impossible. A little willpower can go a long way. Next time you need some motivation to keep up your workouts, practice those 10 tips. They can inspire you to hit the gym, push through moments of doubt, and help you get the body you’ve always wanted.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Candi's Journey to Fit Chick

I’m 26 years old and I come from a family who enjoys our food and fun times and I’ve always struggled with my weight. Around 180 pounds and jeans 10/12 was my average size in high school. I met the love of my life at 15, we got married when I was 20 and we’re happily married now 6 years later. We have a 3 year old and an 8 month old, both beautiful little girls. They are the reason I’ve made the decision to get healthy!

Here’s my weight loss story to date; after getting married I slowly let my weight creep higher and higher. I then gained 35 pounds during my first pregnancy. Afterward I lost some of the weight but not nearly all. In 2011 I got pregnant again and let myself get to my highest weight ever, I was 269 pounds the week I delivered.

At that most miserable weight EVER I decided I had to make a change. There was no way I wanted to try to keep up with a toddler and a newborn and feel as terrible as I did. I had to make a change! In November 2011 I had our daughter and it was a quick, natural delivery (didn’t have time for my epidural). After that I gave myself the full 6 weeks to recover and continue wearing maternity clothes. But I made a promise to myself that when the 6 weeks were up regular clothes were going on my body! So I started changing my diet to incorporate healthier eating.

  In Dec, once the dr gave the ok, the maternity clothes went away and fitness started. I could only wear two pairs of regular pants that I owned (size 18/20) to they were rotated daily until I started shedding inch for inch and pound for pound and getting back into pre- pregnancy clothes. On January 1, 2012 I had worked myself down to 245 pounds and got measured. I also took a tip from my sister in law who is a beach body coach and joined MyFitnessPal with her. I absolutely love the site and have logged in everyday consecutively on my phone and computer since joining!

I started getting up between 4:30-5:30 almost every day to do TurboFire videos or walked and I logged every bite/drink that went in my mouth and maintained a 12-1600 calorie diet depending on how much exercise I had each day. I made it a point to drink no less than 8 ounces of water every day. I set small goals for each month to not focus on the more than 100 pounds I wanted to lose and every 2 weeks I measured my body again. Of course I would have days where I’d mess up and skip my exercise or go over my calorie limit. But the difference this time was the next day I started fresh and didn’t let it ruin my journey.

 As of today, I am proud to say that I’m down to 182 pounds. Just counting from Jan 1 of this year I’ve shed 63 pounds and 86 ¾ inches! Since my highest weight ever in November 2011 I’ve shed 87 pounds (only 7 of which were baby!). It can be done!

My ultimate goal is to be 140 pounds and have a ‘healthy’ BMI. As I said, I’ve never been small. But I can fit into the smallest jeans I own from high school this week so it’s onto unfamiliar territory now. I want to weigh less and be healthier than I’ve ever been! I think with the wonderful people around me, my MFP pals and my determination /new healthy lifestyle I will get there! But I just wanted to share and say don’t think that you can’t lose your weight and get your body back with a healthy diet and exercise! It just takes will power, patience, and if you’re like me some helpful tools to get there!!

Hopefully by or before Dec 31 of this year I will be able to post my final picture of me at my ultimate goal 140 with a smile on my face.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Krystle Weaver's Journey to Fit Chick

I started out weighing 180 I always felt very uncomfortable and self conscious.  I grew up with not so amazing parents they were alcoholics and they fought all the time. I didn't have anyone to confide in and often ate my feelings, needless to say I started to have a weight problem.

My first relationship was  a very unhealthy one. For 6 years, I was with a boy who was abusive physically but mostly mentally. He would grab my stomach and tell me I was fat a needed to loose weight. I would starve myself for a few days then I would go back to eating my emotions again.
I always felt uncomfortable and self conscious but he made it worse.  He broke it off about 2 years ago and begged for me back for months afterwards. I couldn't go back that was one of the best decisions I ever made cause I met my future husband. He is the most wonderful and sweetest man I've ever known. The best part: he loved me for who I was.

 We got married on 9/10/11. After I saw my wedding photos I decided things needed to change, I wasn't happy with myself  and I was finally ready.; It took me awhile to get there mentally, but I was finally ready! Once I was mentally prepared to embark on this journey I recruited the help of my good  friend Bree Rice( I'm so fortunate to have her) who was successful at losing weight and maintaining it. She was a huge inspiration for me. I thought if she did it, so could I !

I started in February I cut out soda only drank water (which was hard because I got a lot of headaches) I started  a journal, I wrote down everything I are.  I allowed myself 1200 calories. I bought Jillian Michaels dvds and did them faithfully for about 2 months. I stopped doing them at the end of may and have been loosing weight by being more active at work and counting calories and writing down what i eat (I work 47 hours EVERY week) I still eat a lot of the same foods but i eat a lot less of it I try to make sure I get a lot of fruits and veggies and have at least 2 glasses of milk a day. I could not have done it without my husband he has been a HUGE support system for me always complementing me telling me I'm beautiful, and buying me new clothes. Words cannot express how grateful I am to him, he played a huge role in my success.

 I'm so happy that I lost weight I feel SOOOO much better and I'm SOOO incredibly happy! I love my life and myself again.  I thank Fit Chicks so much for the page, it really keeps me motivated and I love hearing all the story's of success! I'm super excited to be able to add my story too!

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