Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Amandita's Journey

 I was an aid worker for the better part of ten years,  I worked with orphans, refugees and abused women and children. I lived in Costa Rica, Chile, Panama, Jamaica and for about four years in Mexico. I worked with indigenous refugees in Guatemala and with people with Hansen’s Disease (also known as "Leprosy") in Ecuador. I was a first responder during Hurricane Katrina (I arrived down to NOLA before the Red Cross did & even planned a wedding between two beautiful evacuees from The 9th Ward of New Orleans. The wedding was held in our Coliseum). I am very blessed to have followed my heart to distant villages and lands. I was taught how to shine in the face of adversity by some of the most spiritually-wealthy & courageous souls on the planet. While in Mexico, I ran an orpahange for little girls ages 6-14 and taught Spanish classes to children who speak Mayan in the villages. 

I also have been an athlete all my life. I was on a summer swim & tennis team from the ages of 5-17 and was the Captain of my Varsity Field Hockey, Basketball and Lacrosse teams in high school. I played club/intramural sports in college & was in a running club. I am trained in leading camping trips & teaching people how to white water raft and rock climb.

" The memories of my time spent with such incredible people has kept the fuel burning in my soul long after my accident."

"My Glory days"

Unforeseen circumstances

My story after this point is very bizarre and the only way I have been able to understand it, is that God must have a very big plan in mind for me. Even though I usually tell people that I was in "one accident" because it involves less details, is less confusing and emotionally less-taxing to discuss. I was actually in two different accidents in a 6-week period.  On the day of the 1st accident, I came home to the NYC area from Mexico for Christmas of 2008. I was setting up a new shelter which was scheduled to open on March 1, 2009.  I remember waiting until night-time to go to the gym, but feeling like I should just stay home. I pushed that idea out of my head, got into my car and headed for the gym.

I was at a complete stop on a main street, waiting to turn into the gym's parking lot. There was a woman exiting the parking lot in a large Suburban and taking up both the exit and entrance. So I motioned to her that she could pull out first. She waited and was looking past me. I looked into my rear view mirror & saw a car, pretty far back, in my lane. But, since no one was in the lane next to me, I just assumed he would switch lanes & this woman could exit. I waited for what seemed like a really long time & looked back up at the woman in the SUV, as if to say, "Yo lady, are you gonna go or what??" I just remember seeing a look of complete horror on her face. She had a few children in the car and I saw little faces in the windows looking at me, and they too were looking at me in sheer terror. I looked into my rear view mirror, almost right at the point of impact. I saw a man with his face lit up from his cellphone, looking down at his phone, with one hand on the wheel and no idea that he was about to drill right into me. Luckily, I somehow thought quickly enough to cut my wheel to right and step on the gas as I was struck. This shot my car off at a different angle and I avoided getting crushed into the SUV. Even though it wouldn't have been my fault, had any of those children been injured, I would never have forgiven myself.

Needless to say, I was struck from behind by a man who was texting and speeding. He admitted in the deposition to looking away from the road for thirty seconds, after seeing me stopped way ahead of him. I am very fortunate to have many witnesses who all saw the same thing and were there to help me before the police and paramedics arrived. Even though I was wearing my seat belt, this man who I will just call "Dave", crushed my car from behind and, in turn, me into my steering wheel. I fractured my skull, broke my nose/sinus, suffered traumatic brain injuries, severely sprained and strained my neck and back and tore the muscles in my arms. "Dave" was quoted at the scene saying, "F this b*tch! Why is everyone so worried about this effing B*tch?? My car is effing totalled!! This is the LAST effing thing I needed to happen to me today!!" He also lied under oath in the deposition, when asked if he had ever been arrested before. Suffice to say that "Dave" has a long rap sheet.

I was bed-ridden for about five weeks after that accident. I had (and still have) daily post-traumatic migraines and had been rushed to the Emergency Room a few times in those first weeks, due to blood & cerebrospinal fluid leaking from my ears & nose. I was finally cleared to begin physical therapy  and was excited to start healing, so I could head back to beloved Mexico again. 

On my way into my first physical therapy session, an elderly Russian man was leaving a Cardiologist appointment in the medical building (where my PT was held). He had a heart condition and promised his doctors that his wife, who was with him, would drive them both home. Apparently, he didn't even know his own name when he left the office. Needless to say, his wife let him get behind the wheel. This man, who I will call "Alek", later told the police that he must have put his car in reverse and stepped on the GAS instead of the brake. "Alek's" car shot up towards a walkway, in reverse, to where I was walking. This happened around 3pm. It was the first nice day in a really long time, so there were a bunch of people sitting in the sunshine outside. The back of the building is also all windows. Unfortunately for them, but good for me, alot of people witnessed me get hit.

I was struck on my right side and was tossed up onto the back of the car, cracking the right side of my head on his back windshield. "Alek" told the cops in the police report that he didn't know anyone was even on his car and only slammed on the brakes because he heard people screaming. I got shot off the car and cracked my head a few times on my left side. I ended up pretty much breaking/fracturing/injuring everything from my skull to my toes. More traumatic brain injuries, pretty much tore/ripped/injured every muscle, ligament and tendon in my body. My right leg was dangerously atrophied ( from being in bedfor so many months). My doctor's told me if my leg atrophied any more, it would surely become a "peg leg"and I would need it amputated. That scary news turned my "Beast Mode" switch ON and I began doing double sessions of physical therapy the next day.


 I am only 5'6 and the police said I should have gotten sucked under the car, instead of being able to lock my arms and go on top of the trunk (witnesses say I started off with my ankles/feet dragging and was able to push myself up as I was struck.) I wouldn't have survived if I went under that car. It was going at the perfect speed for this to happen. Any slower or faster and I would have gone right under. After the hit, "Alek's" wife got out of the car, peeled me off the street, started yelling at me to "stop being cry baby" and offered me twenty dollars to not call the police. Thank goodness for the incredible people who acted quickly and pushed this woman off of me. As they began calling 9-1-1, "Alek's" wife yelled to her husband in Russian & he sped away, leaving his wife behind. The witnesses held onto her & locked her in an office inside the medical building until the police arrived. "Alek" left me at the accident, but the cops caught him and he pleaded guilty.


I was in bed for about two years (if you add it all up), had many surgeries and still have more left. I do double sessions of excruciating physical therapy at least four times a week (but do some PT everyday). I'm still dealing with a plethora of medical issues I get migraines daily, and am in and out of the ER all the time. I use forearm crutches & a wheelchair to get around.

"Alek" passed away nine months after we "met". I have no anger towards this man and feel sorry for him. I know he didn't mean to hit me and had no idea where he was or what he was doing that day. I put everything into God's hands and also let go of my feelings about everything his wife did to hurt me. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO FEEL LIKE A VICTIM OR TO FOCUS ON ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HURT ME. I have recently forgiven "Dave" as well, I realize that he must live a miserable life, based on the little I know/have seen of him. I hope that someday he can feel the love, hope and light that engulfs my soul on a daily basis. I guarantee he doesn't have incredible people loving and supporting him, the way I have!! I have handed everything over to G-O-D. Ultimately, he is the only one who can judge us and I have way more trust in Heavenly Justice than our own court system

I know that I will eventually fully recover from this debacle. I consider myself extremely blessed to count on the love, prayers and support of my amazing friends and family. In the meanwhile, I have been keeping my heart and mind opened to all of the lessons that the Universe is trying to teach me right now. Inspiration is my motivation!! This way, as I recover, I can emerge a more spiritually-beautiful version of my pre-accident self.

Finding Hope When all seems hopeless

 I had two back-to-back surgeries in the fall of 2009. My doctors had just informed that I would be permanently disabled & were convinced that the extreme atrophy in my body was irreversible. Having traumatic brain injuries sets people up for being severely depressed, as well. I felt riddled with guilt over not being in Mexico because the plans for the shelter fell through after I was injured. My mind was foggy and I no longer had the outlet to go for a run to clear my thoughts. Going for a relaxing car ride was also out of the question. No going out dancing with my friends, either. I felt disappointed in alot of my friends who only called when they needed advice or to complain about their own lives. I started isolating myself and fell into a deep depression. It was difficult to think clearly while being in constant pain. I felt like I couldn't really open up to anyone because no one understood what I was going through.

My body was deformed and I didn't know the face that was looking back at me in the mirror. I started questioning every decision I had made in my life that lead up to my accidents. I felt scared. Meeting new people & having them see me as someone who was "disabled" scared me, because I didn't know who the person they were seeing in front of them was. It scared me to have all of my accomplishments, my heart, my mind and my soul, completely overshadowed by my wheelchair and forearm crutches. I felt like a huge burden to everyone around me. I started contemplating suicide. But, then I realized that if I did that, then my accidents and death would define me. I am way too competitive to just give up when it's only half-time of the game. The scoreboard may have read Life: 12370948793703487340937 and Amanda: 0 but there was still time left in the game.

There had to be a reason for all of this to happen to me. I certainly hadn't come this far in life and helped others in need, to not be able to help myself in my own time of need. I knew what made me feel better: uplifting and inspiring movies & opening my heart up to people. I knew what made me feel badly: Talking to negative people & looking at pictures on Facebook of friends, and family acquaintances out having fun, swimming in the ocean, going for walks, getting married, having children. I realized that I needed to focus on what made me happy and simply avoid anything that could hurt me. I went into survival mode & thought about all the things I would do when I was better.

I made a HOPE BOARD- A poster board filled with post-it notes. Each note has a dream or goal of mine written on it. The point of this was to ALWAYS see what I am working towards, to always remember THE BIGGER PICTURE, and keep my eyes on the prize. I started doing random acts of kindness for people, even from my bedside, and INSTANTLY FELT BETTER!! I realized that even though my body was broken, my soul was intact. Doing nice things for other people removed me from my own situation & made me feel like the old me. After awhile, I realized that if I start learning lessons every day, even if it's a bad day, then I am blessed. I started to thank the Universe for both the good and the bad. I started to tap into the warrior inside of me. I started to fight as hard for my own recovery as I would for someone else's. I started to love myself again.

"I am proud of myself every time I look in the mirror and see a smile on my face & bright light in my eyes. That means that I am doing a solid job keeping my heart happy & allowing my spirit to transcend all this adversity."

Staying Fit
When I was in bed-ridden for many months following my accidents, everyone was sending me cupcakes, cookies and cakes. No one sends grapes & carrots to injured folk!! I realized one day, that I may potentially turn into Gilbert Grape's Mom (haha) I also realized that a single gal can either be obese OR disabled and work with it. You can't be both. So, since the disabled part was out of my control, I decided to control what I ate. I knew that eating foods that were bad for me would further depress me, stunt my healing process & induce migraines. So I focused on eating lots of steamed veggies, grilled chicken and fruits.

There is a restaurant called Muscle Maker Grill ( that provides delicious cheap meals that have helped my body heal, especially when I couldn't get around to cook for myself. I do about 4-6 hours of Physical Therapy every day. I break it up into at least two sessions, sometimes up to four, depending on how I am feeling. I have just started walking on a treadmill, while holding onto the sidebars for dear life. Being able to do cardio again is LIBERATING! I have also just purchased a hand-cycle & have decided to become a wheelchair athlete. Like they say, "Happiness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have..."

"I've learned that you can knock my lights out and I still shine. Through all of the tears, heartache, pain & stress, I have found TRUE SERENITY."

Anyone going through a hard time I want you to know that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can take the love in your heart nor the light in your soul away from you. I know that somethings happen that are totally out of our control ~ people can break our hearts or our bodies ~ but ultimately WE ARE IN CONTROL of our lives. The answer lies WITHIN each one of us.

An inspired soul is IMPOSSIBLE to break. Feeling like a victim and thinking negative thoughts are true disabilities. Instead, I am focused on ENABLING myself however possible. I no longer feel as if I need to be getting around without my crutches and chair in order to be COMPLETE. This experience has overwhelmed my soul with more love and hope than ever before. I feel ENABLED every time I am able to connect with someone & brighten their day. For as cliche as it sounds, sometimes all it really takes is a smile to change the course of a person's day. My teeth weren't knocked out in either accident. I took this as a clear sign from The Universe and God to KEEP SMILING NO MATTER WHAT!! Finally, I am motivated to see what my body, bruised & healing, is capable of. Just because I am not one of the gym bunnies that runs 15 miles on the treadmill, doesn't mean that I can not be incredible in my own way. Just because I still use a wheelchair, doesn't mean that I can't eat well & be toned. And just because I have been hurt alot in the past, doesn't mean that I can't define myself by love. I refuse to let this situation change me for the worse. I refuse to be bitter. And am only getting better =)

My Legacy

I truly believe none of us will ever truly be gone, even after we pass, because we live on in the love & hope that we've showered onto the world. Instead of thinking about my death, I am focused on making the most of my life. I know that God does everything for a reason. I refuse to be a victim and PROMISE you that I will someday run, swim, dance and walk again. Maybe not today, or this year or in twenty years. But someday! I have also become involved in many organizations which give hope to people with disabilities & illnesses. I feel angels all around me, guiding me towards my purpose. I will begin giving motivational talks at schools sometime next year (when my brain is hopefully more healed) & have decided to write a book someday, as well. I want to share all of the beautiful things I have learned from my travels & my accidents. Finally, I believe that counting our blessings isn't enough. We have to share them, too!

*Did you like Amandita's Story? Like and Share it!* 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ashley B.'s Journey to Fit Chick

The picture on the left was taken four years ago. Four years ago, if you were looking at my life from the outside - everything was fine. I wasn't considered obese but I never felt quite comfortable with my body, whether it be in pants or a bikini - I had no confidence in my physical appearance. I did what alot of people do when they are looking for a quick fix: fad diets and diet pills. Eventually I figured out that it wasn't healthy, and it didn't work long term so I stopped.

 My first step

 I started making changes in my eating habits. Before, those fad diets and counting calories made me obsess about food and my weight so much that I would end up messing up my progress. I feel that it was just to much pressure, it overwhelmed me and became a chore. I know that it works for some people but for me I just didn't like focusing on it too much.  I decided to just made healthy food choices.

 I also stopped weighing myself all the time. I committed to NOT worrying the number on the scale. Instead I focused on how I felt, how much energy I had, and how my clothes fit.  Life is to short to worry about petty things like a number!

Eating and Working Out

  I only drink water or coffee (mostly water).  Although for the most part I practice a clean eating lifestyle, I don't believe in deprivation. If I want chocolate, I eat it.  The trick is moderation.  The way I see it, if you don't deprive yourself of things you like, you will be less likely to binge or have those slip ups we all hate! It's okay to enjoy ourselves once in awhile.

The truth? I honestly don't have a specific workout. I do something different all the time. I feel that doing something different keeps your body from hitting a plateau. I love tagging along with my guy friends and my boyfriend trying their workouts.  The basics of what I do is: running for cardio and either weight lifting or crossfit style workouts for muscle building. I never run more than 2 miles though. I like muscle so I focus more on high intensity workouts and weight training.  My workouts never last longer than an hour.

My Advice to You

You have to  have a support group. Groups like Fit Chicks and so many other fitness pages have helped me a great deal.  Don't let your friends and family bully or pressure you to stray from your healthy diet and workout routine, stick to it, no matter what!  Consistency, determination, and having a positive attitude will get you to your weight loss goal!

My Motivation

You know, I absolutely hate seeing old pictures of myself. I know that sounds horrible, but it's true. Even though I don't like looking at my old pictures,  those pictures motivate me to keep my good habits. They remind me of  how hard I worked to change my lifestlye. My goal has always been to just be healthy and feel good in my own skin and I feel like I've reached my goal. I'm super proud of myself and I feel like it has paid off!  If I can do it- so can you! You can do anything!

* Did you like Ashley's story? Like and Share it! *

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Elizabeth's Journey To Fit Chick

I was overweight my entire life. I decided after my 30th birthday and second child that I was tired of looking and feeling this way so I joined a gym, joined Weight Watchers and started working out and running.  From there I went on to lose 40lbs.

After loosing that much weight, I decided to challenge myself and do my first Spring Triathlon. I guess I caught the bug cause from there I decided to a half marathon  and I placed in the top 3 for my age bracket for women. I didn't stop there, I also ran Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco under 4hrs.  However, just after running the marathon I became frustrated that my body fat was higher than I would have liked so I made the decision  to buckle down on my nutrition.

Since my goals changed  and I  started getting more into weight training, I had to adjust to fit my goals.   I went on to read the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. I  learned some great tips that I continue to use but never followed it strictly.

My daily diet now is lots of protein, veggies, healthy fats, complex carbs and fruits!   The combo of the dietary changes and commitment to lifting completely transformed my body!  Shortly after, I decided to face my biggest fear of being in front of people and decided to step on stage for a Figure Competition.  I placed third in the Masters Division! 

The beauty of all this, is that I found a passion for fitness and nutrition! I  went on to get my personal trainers certification through NASM and started up my own company; Inspire U Fitness where I train and run boot camps out of my garage.  It truly has been a blessing to help other women (and men) improve their lives through healthier lifestyle changes.  I continue to lead by example with my diet and exercise habits! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Amelia's Journey To Fit Chick

15% Off Any Meal Plan

Before deciding to get into the best shape of my life I was super depressed with very little confidence. Before I had my babies I was very fit.  I was pregnant for 2 years straight and thats when I gained all of the weight!

The moment I decided to get fit and healthy was after my oldest son's first birthday. My friend had taken a pic of me sitting on my husband's lap . I was mortified when I seen how big I was. I felt as if I was this super fit person trapped in a fat suit that I couldn't get out of. So I looked in the mirror and it hit me like a ton if bricks! Being obese isn't a permanent thing! It can be fixed with healthy eating and exercise so why wasn't I doing that! That's when once I got permission from my doctor ( after having my second son) that I was able to work out I started and never stopped!

My first step

I was 279lbs so my knees and other parts of my body hurt me. So I decided to start with nutrition first. I eliminated anything processed, I cut down on sugar, only drank water and 1cup of coffee. I ate every 2-3 hours and portioned my meals making sure that what ever I was eating was fuel to my body and not junk!

I have faced many obstacles through my journey physically, mentally, emotionally. It was so draining at times but what got me through  was keeping my eyes on the prize- which was my goal weight. I kept reminding myself that if I stayed consistent it would happen, but to be patient because it does not happen over night!


At my heaviest (279lbs) I started out with the beachbody programs such as The Brazil Butt Lift and p90x. I am also a Zumba instructor and a dancer so that was/ is my cardio. My favorite way to train is using the tabata method. Being a mother of 2 babies under the age of two I was always short on time. I never wanted that to be an excuse so I turned to the tabata method. It's a 4 min intense workout that consists of 8 reps 20 sec of the exercise and 10 sec rest. Interval training is also what I did as well .

My meal plan -

I am truly a picky eater so I definitely had to learn to love certain foods. I started off with replacing a meal with a protein shake, eating small healthy meals every 2-3 hours to speed up my metabolism, never ate pass 7:00 pm, ate super clean meaning no processed foods and eating food that fuels my body not satisfies it temporarily like high calorie junk food!

The proudest moment

My proudest moment happened just recently I had lost 105 lbs! I started to cry happy tears. I remember at my heaviest my goal seemed so far away and so impossible but I proved to myself that with hard work, consistency, and dedication the impossible became possible.

My heaviest was 279lbs I now weigh 175. I am 5'9 and I am also a dancer so for my athletic goal weight I have about 10 lbs to go to be at 165.

My advice to you

Fit Chicks , never give up! Keep your eyes on that goal and never let go of that ! Stay consistent , know that it is not going to happen over night but with consistency it WILL happen. Also, think to yourself Why Not You! Why not be at your best at all times,Why not be the healthiest and fittest you have ever been, Why Not? Also know that there are going to be obstacles. There will definitely be days when you will slip. But thank God there's always a new day, a new start. When you get off track just get back up on the right track.

Words to my former self

If I could say anything to my former self it would be " Amelia keep your head held high. You are beautiful and you will get there. Your story is going to help and inspire so many other people to get healthy and fit so keep doing what you are doing and never stop!"

Did you find Amelia's story inspiring? Like and Share this story!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I want to lose weight. Where do I begin?

15% Off Any Meal Plan

I have been going through the questions that get posted  on the page- a great deal of them deal with : Where do I begin? I want to lose weight, but where do I begin? Well, Wanting to is where you begin.. the desire is there, now act on it!  

Whats the first step?

Gather information, and get excited about it! Educate yourself on the process. Google! Almighty google was my friend in the beginning of my journey! Google search things like "clean eating"  or "how to lose weight the healthy way". Subscribe to magazines like Oxygen , Muscle and Fitness for Her and Clean Eating Magazine. Join Fitness groups on social networking sites, there are so many- literally thousands. Find a group that suits your needs and become an active participant! Ask questions. Fitness pages LOVE it when you ask questions, cause after all that's what we're there for! It is so important to have as much information and support as possible! Some advice? Enlist your Doctors help, your Doctor can tell you the best plan for you current physical and health level. Start building your support team now!

   Read success stories.
When you read weight loss success stories it empowers YOU! Knowing that other people have done it, lets you know that losing weight isn't an impossible task. Reading about women who have had the same struggles as you re-assures you that you aren't alone.  If they can do it so can you!
 "The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
Next, identify your goals. Make a list of things you want to accomplish. The bigger goals- break them down into less daunting "mini goals" For example if you have a goal to lose 100 pounds,break that down to smaller goals like losing 8 pounds  in a month.
Once you have identified your goals, make a plan- figure out how you're going to accomplish your goals. If your goal is to prepare at least 4 healthy meals this week. Go to your local book store and pick up a healthy eating cook book, start incorporating new recipes in your weekly menu.

The key to starting your journey is not to overwhelm your self! Jumping into your new life head first, trying to do everything at once, WILL lead to failure. You have to be realistic with yourself! It took years for you to develop your unhealthy lifestyle, it will take some adjustment to get comfortable with the new one. So, by having an action plan to achieve your goals, you take control of your fit chick journey. As the mountain can be moved by removing one stone at a time, you will reach the desired outcome and achieve your goals on your fit chick journey one step at the time.

"You are what you eat"
      Start keeping a food diary, and this diary is not about  counting calories. I want you to  just write down what you eat, and how you feel before and after you eat.  You might be wondering why I suggest you write down how you feel before and after you eat. Well it's because often you'll find that-  we eat because we're bored, angry, lonely, and frustrated.  Sometimes it's hard to identify these negative feelings, and they are hard to identify because we've spent years being emotional eaters, it is now natural to us, as natural as breathing.  So by writing down your feelings you can identify and now re-train yourself.  Instead of filling the void negative emotions leave with food, you can choose to do something more productive like journaling, going for a walk, or calling on a friend for support. 

 Keeping a journal isn't just for keeping you aware of what you are eating, or how you feel before and after eating. It can also help you figure out the best way to eat specifically for you. If you find through your journal that you get super hungry after eating a certain food or at a certain time of day, you might want to plan a different type of food or perhaps schedule a mini meal instead of just a snack. Keeping a journal can also help you trouble shoot if the scale is refusing to budge. Review your journal carefully and see if there are any extras sneaking into your diet. By extras I mean: oils, dressings, cheese, toppings and sauces- those are common culprits

What do I eat?
Figuring out what's healthy and what's unhealthy can be overwhelming, there is some new and improved way of eating coming out every year.  So I will make it easy for you and get right to the point.  CLEAN EATING IS THE BEST WAY TO ACHIEVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS!

 ..You must, MUST eliminate processed foods. Any foods that you buy at a drive-through is going to be detrimental to your weight loss goals (and your health). Stay away from fast-food, candy, donuts, cookies, cakes, pies, chips, etc. With junk food you pretty much have to use your head—if you think it’s bad for you, it probably is. Like I mentioned before this lifestyle change will take some time, you have to do it at your own pace. Make a goal to eliminate two processed foods from your diet for a month, once you've completed that goal, add more to the list before you know it you'll be eating clean without a thought, once you start eating clean, you'll find that you loose your taste for the processed crap!  A clean eating perk? You don't have to be concerned with counting calories! Eating clean alleviates the hassle of counting every calorie. Since you are not consuming junk, you knock out a ton of calories by default.  Now, don't get me wrong, I know that there are still many people who do the calorie counting thing regardless and they are successful doing it, BUT! if you have ever counted calories, you understand how tedious and annoying it can become. Learn about proper portion sizes and stick to that.  You can learn more about portion sizes in the  The Eat-Clean Diet® Recharged!, you will see results while meeting your body's nutritional needs.

To learn more about clean eating check out the "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.. to see a list of clean eating food (click here) .  To get more information about Clean eating check out my blog posting "clean eating 101"  ( click here ) to see that.

Get Moving!

 Exercise isn't just joining a gym and spending an hour staring at the wall while you run on a treadmill.  Try running, tennis, basketball, walking, swimming, bicycling, dancing, martial arts, jumping rope, or exercise videos at home. There are so many options for you to choose from. Join your local YMCA or health club and find out what kind of yoga, Pilates, spinning, zumba, or other aerobic classes that they have available. You can also go to the fit chick exercise blog so you don’t have to spend time or money on a gym membership.

Ideally when you first start out you want to try and get around 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3 or 4 times a week. Once you get used to it you can ramp it up to 60 minutes a day, 5 to 6 days per week along with strength training.

Rome wasn't built in a day

Before you embark on your journey, you MUST keep it real with yourself.  Understand that you will not lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks.. you aren't on the biggest loser and your inner motivator isn't Jillian Michael's! There will be days where you feel like you've seen no progress. There will be days when you want to yell "LIAR!!" while hurling your scale out of the bathroom window.  You will hit plateau's, and I guarantee you'll see some hurdles, roadblocks, self doubt, and haters on this journey. If you go in knowing that  it will not be smooth sailing, and that at times it will be hard-- it will be easier for you to accept your mistakes, and learn from them. Remember: There is a blessing in every lesson.  Make a commitment to yourself to never give up, even if you fall, and I mean fall hard, promise yourself that you will get back up and if you have to crawl until you're strong enough to reach your goals you will do that.

If you have any more inquiries leave them in the comment section below, or you can email me at Hoped this helped! :-)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Syrine's Journey To Fit Chick

I grew up following my three older brothers around wanting to play basketball with them. But, I didn’t want to get my dress, shoes, and bows dirty. Growing up with two amazing parents and supporting brothers made me into the person I am today. We had home cooked meals everyday so we never ate fast food but on Saturdays when we went grocery shopping. Life was stressful and fast paced when I started college and this was when things began to change. I was an athlete in high school and stayed busy working out and running to stay in shape. College and its transition opened a whole new world for me…a world where I gave up my healthy lifestyle due to all the fast food and unhealthy quick meals and lack of exercise.

My Second Chance

 When I was 10 years old, I underwent double hip surgery. Doctors predicted that I wouldn’t be able to walk again if I did not have the surgery. I was scared to hear those words. But, both my mom and dad said to me, ‘It’s going to be alright.’ It was the way they said it that made me believe that I would be alright. After being wheelchair bound for three months after the surgery, I had to fight to walk again and not be dependent on others. This moment in time was when I began to understand the true meaning of strength in all aspects of the word.

  When I was 25 years old I began to have high blood pressure problems due to the nature of my career path at the time. I realized the stress and my eating habits were beginning to become my downfall. I realized at that moment that I was too young to have these issues and it was time to take control of my health again. No matter what, I was determined to do it!

My first step to take back control of my health was joining a local gym and creating my own workout circuits. I wanted to do this on my own, without help from a trainer. I had put myself in this position and was determined to get myself out of it before I worked with a trainer. I set a goal for myself to drop at least 30 pounds within a year. I wanted to be realistic about it since I was approaching this on my own. I achieved that goal and went on to bigger challenges thereafter. Each time setting a new goal and achieving it, while helping others along the way. I eventually became a spin instructor after a year of taking classes. I loved it so much that I wanted to share my love with others. I tried and fell in love with TRX. I have my own TRX band that I hop on and try new tricks at home.

 Each time I would reach a new goal, I would get bored and needed a new challenge. I always found them and they kept pushing me outside of my comfort zone. I never wanted to go back to the unhealthy me.

I was have always been a strong woman mentally, spiritually and emotionally. After all, I learned true strength as that 10 year who fought every single day to walk again and live a normal life. I couldn’t give up and no one could do it for me. I carry that thought with me daily, because it is one of the reasons I am strong in all of those areas to this day. All the pain and tears I experienced gave me a new appreciation for life. On the spiritual side, I come from praying parents who always instilled in me to have faith in God. They always taught me that He would help me along the way, but I also had to do my part.


 I was introduced to Cross Fit through a mutual friend of Megan Bernard and mine. I added her on Facebook and I kept up with her posts. Timing wasn’t right for me to start Cross Fit at the time because of my work, school, and workout schedules, but I promised her that I would come and workout with her when time permitted me. It was through Meg that I met Jen. I joined the HOUSE in April of this year and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences.

Now, I Cross Fit five days a week. Working out period is my addiction. It’s a time where I not only focus on my goals, but also help others achieve their goals as well. The motivation inside of me drives me to push others to reach their full potential.

Cross Fit has given me the ability to take my training to the next level. I’ve gained the strength I need to increase my performance in the WODs (Work Out of the Day) and not to mention the camaraderie from an awesome group of women who share my love for fitness and a healthier lifestyle. I am forever grateful to Jen for giving me an opportunity to join the HOUSE and share in her vision.

 My proudest moment since starting CrossFit was when Lisa and I each DL’d( Dead Lift) 240#. It was a PR (Personal Record) for her and my first time in a while to DL. The last time I did a DL was in high school so I was a bit anxious to see how far I could get at this point in my fitness journey. When I cleared it, I had a humbling moment and felt that all of my hard work was paying off. I felt like that little 10 year old again when I was first allowed to set my feet on the ground to walk again after surgery. It was a special moment for me.

Crossfitting is only part of it, my diet is consists of clean eating. I eat tons of veggies, fruit, lean proteins. I LOVE water with lemon! I haven’t had a soft drink in about 7 years. I also take Advocare supplements, such as Spark Energy Drink and Catalyst (Amino Acid Supplement). I use the Advocare Muscle Gain Protein shake mix and love to mix it with unsweetened almond/coconut milk blend, fresh frozen strawberries, fresh frozen blueberries, and fresh baby spinach… I call it my Muscle Juice! However, I don’t deprive myself of something that I may want to eat. I’ve learned to pick healthier options and control my portions.

Who Inspires me?

My parents and my nephew, Kendrick, inspire me. My parents have shown grace, strength, love, sacrifice and so much more. After losing my oldest brother when he was 14 years old to an unfortunate drowning accident, I never saw a couple with so much strength to carry on and raise my three brothers and myself. They are remarkable in every aspect of this word. My nephew, Kendrick, is my soldier. He has Sickle Cell Anemia and has been through so much in his short life span. He inspires me because of his strength to fight, his strength to conquer the disease, his strength to live a normal life. He is the true definition of a fighter!

As I reflect back, I don’t regret any life decision that I have made because each of these have been a learning experience. I find the hidden message in each lesson and ask myself how to apply it in order to be a better person, overall. Past mistakes have taught me to keep moving forward and not dwell on the past. My future holds so much more and I will never achieve it by allowing these mistakes to dictate where I’m going. I learn from them, chalk them up, and move on.

Pay it forward

I try to pay it forward the best way I know how, by just being myself. I coach myself to make a difference in someone’s life. I don’t need or want recognition for anything that I’ve done for others. If I make a difference in someone’s life by just smiling and being there as a listening shoulder, then I’ve done my part. As a future personal trainer, my ultimate passion is to pay it forward through the younger generation. They have so much potential and not enough positive role models. If I can reach one, then that makes part of my purpose is met.

My advice to anyone who's reading this : GO GET IT!! You want to achieve something, you must EARN it. To all of you wonderful ladies out there on this fitness journey, don’t you dare let anyone or anything stand in your way. You bleed strength and you have to believe that you can achieve great things. EARN every rep, every rip, and every sore muscle because you know what…no one will take that away from you! People may be little you with their words, but they cannot BREAK you. Don’t give them that power! Find that unshakable force within you and manifest it into GREATness. Much love!

*Did you like Syrine's story? Like it and Share, help her story get out there, so other people can be inspired!  If you would like to be featured on Journey To Fit Chick, submit your story with pictures to
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ashley's Journey to Fit Chick

15% Off Any Meal Plan

for as long as I can remember I’ve been an athlete. To name a few there was tee ball, select volleyball, high school varsity sports and college soccer. So it goes without saying, I had a rockin’ body! Being active in sports was my life and my passion but shortly after college I was ready to hang up my jerseys and start a family. I got married and (BAM!) out popped some babies! I am now a blessed mommy to two beautiful boys, ages 1 and 4.

 what a shock it was to gain 60 lbs and watch my toned, skinny, athletic body be replaced with stretch marks, leftover skin and lots of weight left to lose! But how do I do that!? All my life I’ve stayed in shape by just playing sports. After a year of having my first son I had lost the majority of the weight by breastfeeding alone but it definitely did not look like it. By this time I was 150 lbs, wearing a size 10-12 and beyond ready to get my body back and be a hot mom! So I started the South Beach Diet, was running 1-2 miles a day and was doing pilates about 6 days a week. In a matter of a couple months I had lost 20 lbs and was feeling great! I even started playing volleyball and indoor soccer again to help me stay active.

 fast forward 2 ½ years later and I’m pregnant again with another baby boy! This time around I promised myself I would stay active and eat well. I had worked so hard, I didn’t want it to all be in vain. If you’re a mom you know how incredibly difficult it is to muster up enough energy to make it through your work day and not be in bed by 7 pm! God bless all you moms out there that managed to exercise while pregnant, I admire you! You’re a special breed! And then there’s the cravings…oh, the cravings! You just can’t stop them. So I gained 60 lbs, of which I don’t regret, my babies were healthy and that’s all that matters. Most of the 60 lbs that I had gained again came off with breastfeeding. But, of course, it never looks the same - I was left with even more of that dreaded “mommy tummy.” I was ready to start a diet and exercise program but now that I had a family to feed I decided I didn’t want to go with the South Beach Diet, but rather clean up my diet and portions. I’ve noticed over the years that my body responds well to low carbs, low sugar, high protein, fresh fruit and veggies. I was eating 6 small meals a day and was sure to give myself  one or two cheat meals a week! Now that’s nothing you’ve never heard before. It’s amazing simply what a clean diet will do for you.

 so now I needed to start an exercise routine. Now that I had two children it was more difficult for me to find time to get into sports, I’ve come to realize how much I hate, hate, hate (did I say hate?) running and the pilates video that I did on the tv exercise portion of “On Demand” was removed. I needed something new. I remembered what some friends had told me about this thing called CrossFit and the phenomenal results they had seen from it. I googled it, saw a video and thought, “This is so for me! When do I start?!” I am a girl that absolutely loves a challenge. Tell me I can’t do it and I will plow you over just to prove you wrong! I started CrossFit in January of 2012 and was completely hooked! It was exactly what I needed to give me that extra push to not only  transform my body and give me more muscle and definition but it truly transformed my life! Because of a clean diet and CrossFit I am down to 123 lbs and 14% body fat.

I have found a new passion in CrossFit, Olympic lifting and pushing myself to the brink of vomiting after each and every workout! Who knew a few weeks in CrossFit I would be doing “Murph,“ (one of the more popular workouts, in memory of Lieutenant Navy Seal Michael Murphy) which consisted of a 1 mile 15 lb weighed run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats and another 1 mile weighted run. Who knew?! After that day I realized nothing was impossible for me! After about 5 months of being a part of a CrossFit gym I decided I was going to do this on my own. I am now a member of 24 Hour Fitness and do CrossFit on my own. I follow a few CF blogs for workout ideas or I just make up my own. Lots of pull ups, burpees, push ups, squats, presses, Olympic lifts, wall balls and kettle bells! I definitely get some weird stares but I’m not ashamed of doing some burpees to keep my butt in shape! In the recent months I’ve had friends and family ask me to send them daily workouts via text/email. I may even start teaching a CrossFit type workout class in the next couple months. And it’s always been one of my goals to compete in a fitness competition. So who knows where I’ll land on this journey of mine. All I know is I’m still a work in progress, I’ve got some big dreams and I’m excited for what the future has for me!

* written beautifully by Ashley*

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Jenn's Journey to Fit Chick

15% Off Any Meal Plan

Q:What was your starting weight?

**This is hard to answer accurately! When I decided to lose weight and get fit, I was pushing 160 lbs. I am currently 131 lbs.

Q:What was life like before you got fit? Where you always in shape- or did you struggle with weight gain, and dieting? Did you have low self esteem?
**I was ALWAYS fit! I come from a long line of athletes! I played fast pitch softball for 10 years, and never had a weight problem even after my first two children were born! When I got pregnant with my third child, I was 30 years old and retained way too much fluid! One week after she was born, I went into Congestive Heart Failure. I was 199 lbs at that point (all fluid). I have never had low self esteem but I did have a lot of worries in general. My downfall with my weight was Dr. Pepper! I love(d) drinking Dr. Pepper!

Q:What was your moment? When did you decide enough was enough?
**My wake up call came when my son, Brennan, left for Parris Island for the Marine Corp boot camp. When I received his first letter (about two weeks in to his 13 weeks of hell), I read..."every day here is like a near death experience." I literally felt myself go into a dark place and depression sink in! It was that day I contacted Megan because Brennan trained with Megan for two years at a local Box. I explained to her that I could not afford to go to a Box and that I wanted her help in getting fit and strong before I attended Brennan's graduation!

Q:Were there any obstacles you had to overcome? Negativity? Haters? Self doubt?
**I've always surrounded myself with positive people!! The only obstacle I had to face, was ME! I had to commit 110%, and I'm still at it 1 1/2 years later! Along with 35 other amazing women!

Q:Who introduced you to crossfit? What was your first impression of crossfit? Where you intimidated? If so how did you over come that fear?

Jenn and Brennan
**My son, Brennan. He began training at a local Box when he was 16 in preparation for boot camp. I use to think....why the hell are you addicted to this stuff! Your hands are ripped and your body is beat to shit! Then I went an watched him compete and I thought....that's my kid and now I totally understand! I was not intimidated once I saw what CrossFit actually was! It is my drug of choice and I'm totally addicted!

Q:What has crossfit done for you? Not just physical but in your overall wellness.
**CrossFit has made my soul pure! CrossFit has made me more patient! CrossFit has made me have a softer, kinder heart! CrossFit is where I take out my frustrations and worries! CrossFit made me drop 30 lbs and 4 pant sizes! CrossFit made me strong! In 5 months, I was doing kipping pull ups! I've NEVER been able to do a pull up!

Q:Tell me about your eating habits- Have tried any fad diets? What works for you?

**For the most part, my family and I eat very clean! We eat a lot of veggies, fruit, fish and chicken! We all stopped drinking soda and drink only water. My family and I also take Advocare supplements. We drink Spark (our energy drink) and we take Catalyst! We also drink Advocare Replacement Shakes (blended with frozen fruit and spinach)! If I crave something, I do not deny myself my craving, but I don't overindulge either!

Q:When did you decide to start your own Crossfit box? Any of the "house" members have a transformation you are particulary proud of?

Some of the members of  The "house of oorah"
**I don't have my own Box.....YET! I became a Level One Personal Trainer last year and have about 35 ladies/friends that have joined me in this journey. The HOUSE is full of amazing stories! These ladies and gents have ALL touched my heart and are FAMILY to me! I can't just pin point one story, because they all deserve to be mentioned. Without them, there would be no HOUSE!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Alexis' Journey To Fit Chick

15% Off Any Meal Plan
Within memory, I had always been overweight. However my family never ostracized me because of it, nor did they even acknowledge it. My mom would always tell me "it's just baby fat, it will come off", but it didn't. As the years passed the pounds piled on, and before I knew it I was 200 pounds and only 15 years old. At that point, the weight really started to effect me mentally. My personal life and confidence levels were nonexistent, as I struggled to fit in, literally and figuratively.

The breaking point occurred, for me, when I decided to step on the scale after months of avoiding it. Expecting to see a number around 200, I was in complete shock when I looked down and the number 240 stared back. All I could think was 'I'm only 16, how could this happen?' I knew that the older I got the more trying it would be to shed the pounds, so I wasted no time.

I joined the gym in my town in June 2009, and hit the ground running. I started out doing 30 minutes on the elliptical and 45 minutes to an hour of resistance training daily. I began to scrutinize every bite of food I put into my mouth, not just calorically but also nutritionally. Within the first couple of weeks, I increased my elliptical time to an hour. The pounds began to melt off pretty quickly, as I had lost 28 pounds in a little over a month. Although my workout was nothing special, the reason it worked so well was because I refused to miss a day. I missed about 15 days during that summer due to vacation with my family, but upon our return I picked up right where I left off. I continued to go daily for the next year, gradually adding group exercise into my regimen.

By the time June 2010, and my high school graduation, rolled around I weighed 168 pounds, and went from a size 20 to a size 8. Although the change from a sedentary lifestyle to one that supported 2 hours of exercise daily was a giant leap, once I got into the habit, there was no turning back.

Working out simply became a part of my life, like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. My present day workouts are so much more fun and varied than the ones I began with. This is, in part, due to the fact that my body is capable of doing so much more without the extra baggage. I ran a Tough Mudder in May, and worked up to running 11 miles to train for it. Before I got in shape, I couldn't even run a mile in under 15 minutes; now I run a 9 minute mile.

Other than running, I have become an avid cycler, 'yogi', and lifter. The old me would never have had the confidence to lift in a room full of men. At times, I still feel myself channeling my old mentality- that when people see me they are labeling me the 'fat girl'. Sometimes I need to pinch myself, as a reminder that that girl no longer exists. My primary motivator to keep pushing, and never settle, to this day is that I know so acutely what it feels like to be on the other side. I could never go back to living like that, if you can call constant self deprecation a life.

My inspirations include all of the beautiful strong women I have befriended since joining my gym. I met them through my participation in group fitness, and they are constantly pushing me to my limits and helping me plow through those limits. It is a blessing to have people you can share your fitness hardships with, because it reminds you that you are never alone in your troubles. The one thing that never fails to inspire me is visualizing myself before this fitness journey, and realizing just how far I've come. It is so empowering and liberating knowing just how much I have accomplished for myself.

As far as advice goes, I cannot stress enough the importance of making workouts a part of one's daily routine, especially in the first month. If you nourish your body with whole foods and plenty of water, and work out daily you WILL see a difference in a short amount of time, and that will be all you need to keep you going on your fitness journey. Once you start changing the shape of your body and conquering your goals, you will never want to stop- guaranteed.

Although my physical transformation is quite marked, it pales in comparison to the changes that have occurred mentally. I can now look into the mirror and smile back at myself. I can look at my body with a sense of pride and accomplishment, instead of loathing and disgust. I was in such a dark place, full of hatred. I had no respect and no understanding of my body. I felt like it had betrayed me. But I have redeemed myself, and can now go to sleep at night feeling truly whole.

I'm now going into my junior year of college as a biochemistry major. I plan to get my PhD and eventually work in a lab, researching natural treatments and cures for our disease ridden world. I also intend to get my PT certification within the next year. I have become so passionate about and committed to the world of nutrition, and moreover to helping people actualize their bodies and live their lives to the absolute fullest.

Everyone owes it to themselves to take the journey that I have been on since June 2009. It may be a life long commitment, but it's one that you will never regret. Every body is miraculous, and deserves to be treated with the utmost care. Love yourself, and love yourself enough to take the challenge!

You Are Worth It

The truth? It's not likely that you'll wake up- look in the mirror one day and realize "OMG I AM TOTALLY WORTH IT!! In fact I'm so gorgeous, hot, and brave  that I can throw down all the baggage packed with low self esteem, negativity, and let downs I've accumulated over the years-- and start loving myself , working out, and eating clean for the rest of my life! Without wavering, no faltering, full steam ahead."
 Yeah- Right.  Maybe there is someone out there who has done it-  that I'm not certain of- But! I'll step out on a limb and say that they are definitely the exception to the rule.

Most of us mere humans have what I call "moments"  we all have those epiphany's from time to time.. You know those times where you get fed up with living this unhealthy life? Artificially you decide to start loving yourself.  Then- you jump head first into working out and eating right. Without any   support, any education, any research, and no plan. Then, 4 weeks later you quit.  Those moments are real, in those moments you did decide that enough was enough but for some reason you didn't see it through, and went back to your old unhealthy ways.

I've had plenty of those "moments" I've had 5 to be exact.  The 6th time was different- It was an ugly moment. I found out my family had to pick up and move to Texas. I had just lost my best friend, my family turned their backs on me. There is no harder blow to your self esteem and sense of self worth then when the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally- puts conditions on their loyalty and love. Although, then I wasn't shocked. Then I felt I deserve this, I'm fat, ugly, I should be grateful that anyone would want me around. I should feel lucky they were kind to me for this long. I hated myself. I allowed myself to be a landfill, I excepted everyones garbage-even my own.

That was my moment.  This was my bottom.  Tearfully I prayed.  For mercy-I'm sure.

In that moment I decided I would do something different than the other times - I would honestly TRY I wouldn't just go through the motions I would give it my all. I would plan, educate myself, and really commit!  I had something to prove to them and most importantly me.

I wish I could tell you from that moment on it was easy, I wish I could show you a magical way to avoid the emotional triggers, the haters, and Golden Corral. There isn't. Sorry.

The truth? This journey is a slow process.  It will NOT happen all at once.  It's a gradual process, and I'm grateful for that. Gradually I learned to make healthy food choices, gradually I started to love myself. It makes sense to do it this way, cause the emotional baggage you've accumulated took YEARS to pile up, it will take some time dump it all. You will feel the burden lessen with every small victory!   You are worth TRYING. You are worth trying to hate yourself less. You are worth doing the work, paying attention, and being kind to yourself while you struggle to figure it out. You are worth deciding that you are worthy .

Monday, July 2, 2012

Keyonna's Journey to Fit Chick

We'll Cook the Food, You'll Lose the Weight!

I went from 307 lbs to 180 lbs in a year
"You will ALWAYS have your haters and people saying you can't do something or you will not stick with it because you never have before. Use that as your motivation, tell them and yourself  YES I CAN AND YES I WILL"

Q: Tell me what your life was like before deciding to get fit?

My life always was about "FOOD" If someone were to make me upset , sad, or talked about my weight I would cry about it and just eat my pain away..

Q:What was that moment like? The moment you decided that you weree  fed up with being unhealthy?

It was so sad. I would always cry, I had friends, but they weren't friends that would try and help me workout or tell me that I needed to start to workout..I became fed up with being unhealthy when I ended up in the ER hooked up to a machine.

Q: What was your first step?

My first step was instead of using the elevator I would take the stairs and I would walk at least 30 mins a day... I also did a 30 challenge for summer in May last year..

Q:Where there in obstacles in your way? How did you overcome them?

Yes!  The boy's I've dated have always been smaller than me and everyone knows I love to cook! So with them eating when and whatever they wanted, I would too-- even if I wasn't hungry. Eventually I ended up having to buy size 22/24 and sometimes a size 26 pants and thats when I said no more eating whatever I want!

Q:What was your meal plan?

I started to use this website called my fitness pal. It helped me track my food, water intake and workouts. I started to eat every 2-3 hours 4-6 times a day, to keep me from getting hungry.  Having a desk job I get bored so I want to eat!

Q: What has been your proudest moment on this journey?

My proudest moment was when I went from 307 pounds May 7,2011 to 180 pounds May 7, 2012! I never thought I would stick with this, because it has always been soooooo hard for me to stick with eating right and working out..But now this is my life and I will turn  back..

Q:What advice can you give to the Fit Chicks?

NEVER GIVE UP!! If you really want to reach your goal, stick with it. If I could push myself everyday to eat right and workout at 307 pounds then so can you. You will ALWAYS have your haters and people saying you can't do something or you wont stick with it because you never have before. Use that as your motivation, tell them and yourself YES I CAN AND YES I WILL...

Q: If you can say anything to your former self, what would it be?


*Would you like Keyonna to tell you more about how she got fit?*

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