Monday, June 25, 2012

Miriams Journey to Fit Chick

Four years ago, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was older, closing in on my 40s, with two kids and that because of all these facts I would never have the body I had in my 20s and I would of course never be able to wear a bikini again.

Thank goodness I proved myself wrong!  It happened by chance that a trainer came up to me one day at the gym and asked me if I was interested in trying out a couple of free sessions and who turns down a free session?  hahaha!  Well, I got hooked from that point on to working out with weights.  I remember before I thought to myself that's not for women.  I don't want to be bulky.  I don't want to build big huge man muscles.  hahahaha! Little did I know my body needed it.  4 years later, I'm 42 years old and I'm not only wearing bikinis, I'm competing in bikini competitions! :-)

Life is great! I don't hide my tummy anymore and it feels great to be strong, healthy and physically fit.  I highly recommend for women to try to add weight training into their workout routine.  If you feel insecure and overwhelmed by the many choices of machines and weights at a gym, hire a personal trainer.  It will be money well spent.  You will learn from them and eventually you could go on to training yourself without the assistance of a personal trainer.  I train by myself nowadays.  I love going to the gym and doing my workouts and seeing the results.

Of course, it's not all exercise that will get your body in shape, diet goes hand in hand with exercise.  As a matter of fact, I had to make huge changes in my diet in order to see results.  I've been eating a clean diet for 3 years and most everything I eat is non-processed whole foods.  Diet is extremely important.  Make sure you are good to yourself and follow a healthy clean diet.

 I hope some find my story motivating, especially those in their 40s or those that think that they can't get the body they want after having kids, etc.  It can be done, with a lot of hard work and determination, you can get there. Good luck to all the moms out there.  If you really want something, you will find a way !  Believe in yourself and do it! 


Miriam is such an inspiration! If you have an inspirational story you'd like to share, or if you are interested in a fitness regimen please contact me at

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